Expert: Rice soup is also a traditional Chinese medicine

06:30, April 3, 2017 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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 Expert: Rice soup is also a traditional Chinese medicine Expert: Rice soup is also a traditional Chinese medicine

Recently, the film actress Sun Li revealed on her microblog that her son was ill, and her husband Deng Chao "asked if he would go to the hospital 800 times an hour on average?" Different from her husband's response, Sun Li, after consulting a doctor, thought that only drinking more water and some hot rice soup would be OK, and she was "not like a mother". However, most netizens agree with Sun Li's idea that the common cold can heal itself in about seven days and "it's done right".

Many readers may think that Sun Li is "stingy" and unwilling to pay even the medical expenses, so they let their children drink rice soup. In fact, this has nothing to do with "stinginess", because rice soup is indeed a medicine. Among the 127 Chinese medicines mentioned in A Dream of Red Mansions, rice soup is one of the most frequently seen. For example, in the 87th chapter, Zijuan said to Lin Daiyu, "I made a bowl of hot meat and cabbage soup for the girl... and cooked a pot of rice porridge". Jiangmi is a kind of glutinous rice. This kind of rice porridge has the functions of tonifying the lungs, warming the spleen and stomach, and tonifying the middle qi. Lin Daiyu is weak and sickly. For her, glutinous rice porridge really has a good health care effect.

There are many clinical examples of this. When Zhang Zhongjing introduced the use of Guizhi Tang, which is used to treat cold, he described it as follows: "After taking it for a moment, sip more than a liter of hot porridge to help the medicine. If you warm up for a while, you will feel as if you are sweating.". It means that after taking Guizhi Tang, you should drink a bowl of hot porridge as a drug guide to enhance the effect of sweating and relieving the symptoms. This method of using rice soup to help the medicine is very common in the prescription of Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical sage". Wang Shixiong, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty, also spoke highly of rice soup: "The poor suffer from deficiency, and use thick rice soup instead of ginseng soup. Every miracle comes."

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that rice soup is sweet and smooth in nature, and has the effects of supplementing qi, nourishing yin, and moistening dryness. "Rice oil", a fine viscous substance floating on the surface, is more nutritious and can strengthen the spleen and stomach. It was recorded in the pharmaceutical work of the Qing Dynasty, "A Collection of Materia Medica", that "rice oil can firm the pores of the hair and is the fattest person. Those who are thin and black can eat it and become white and fat in a hundred days. With its yin nourishing effect, it is better than cooked land." In addition, rice soup can also increase the secretion of milk. If the puerpera are unable to digest and absorb due to production or weakness of the spleen and stomach, and show symptoms of deficiency of qi and blood, then take some rice soup in proper amount to strengthen the spleen and stomach, which helps to promote the secretion of milk.

It should be reminded that rice soup and milk should not be eaten at the same time, because a kind of lipoxygenase in rice soup will destroy vitamin A in milk, resulting in a waste of nutrition; Because rice soup is too easy to absorb and has a high sugar content, it is not suitable for diabetics to eat too much. In addition, vitamin B2 in rice will be largely lost after grinding and washing. Therefore, people who lack vitamin B should try to eat brown rice as much as possible, and try to use brown rice to make rice soup, so as to retain vitamin B2 as much as possible.

Sun Gang, Deputy Director of Spleen and Stomach Department of Nanjing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital

(organized by Yang Pu)

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