Don't stop children's tic by force

06:30, March 31, 2017 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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The son of Ms. Yang in Changsha, Hunan Province, who is 4 and a half years old, has been diagnosed with tic syndrome. In the past year, she has always had attacks, especially when in a hurry, she blinks frequently, sometimes pouts, and always looks back. Ms. Yang heard from others that parents can't remind their children to correct these actions, which will cause psychological hints and make it harder to get well. Ms. Yang is at a loss.

Li Fang, director of pediatrics and chief physician of Rocket Army General Hospital, said that tic syndrome in children is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder, which is common in boys, and most of the children begin to get sick between the ages of 4-12. Children always pout, blink, and turn their heads, which are typical symptoms of tic. This disease is not life threatening. Parents should not be too impatient. They should not always force children to correct the above actions, nor exert too much pressure on children, so as not to make children more and more disgusted, and thus make parent-child relations become tense and distant.

The first choice for treatment of tic is medication, which is mainly to give children Chinese medicine. Granules of traditional Chinese medicine are more suitable for children to take. You must go to a regular specialized hospital, that is, a hospital specializing in the treatment of children's tic syndrome, and take traditional Chinese medicine under the guidance of a specialist. Many children with tic syndrome can be cured as long as they keep taking Chinese medicine. If the symptoms are still not significantly improved after taking traditional Chinese medicine for half a year or more, it is necessary to take western medicine instead. Remember not to give drugs to children without authorization, so as not to delay or aggravate the disease.

Pediatric tic disease emphasizes symptomatic treatment and psychological treatment at the same time. Parents should reasonably arrange children's daily work and rest time and activities to avoid excessive tension and fatigue. For children with vocal twitch, they can take deep abdominal breathing with mouth closed and rhythm slowly, so as to reduce the twitch symptoms.

Mo Peng

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