Do you know the truth behind children pretending to be ill and not want to go to school?

06:30, March 23, 2017 Sina parenting
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When your child is sick, are you worried or even ask for leave to take care of him at home. However, sometimes, when he says he is uncomfortable, he just wants to attract your attention, or to avoid going to kindergarten. So, how to distinguish and avoid this situation?

The child's illness is a disaster for the family. I wish I could get sick for the child. However, in some families, children already know that illness is a way to avoid something they don't like, or an opportunity to get special care. Pretending to be ill may be a signal for children to ask for help, or an attempt to seek excessive attention. In both cases, it is important to deal with the beliefs behind children's behaviors while dealing with their behaviors.

1. If you suspect that the child is using illness as an excuse for not going to school, you should explore this possibility in a non threatening way, "I'm not sure, but I want to know whether you have encountered some problems in kindergarten. If you want to get sick, you need not go to school. If so, when you are ready, I am willing to listen to you and solve the problem with you. "

2. If the child says he is not feeling well, he should take it seriously. Listen to him and recognize his feelings. If you have been encouraging your child to tell his feelings, when he is afraid, worried or uncomfortable, say "I am afraid", worried or uncomfortable, instead of having to say "I am sick" in order to get help. Then, you should not think that children are cheating on you.

3. Many parents know their children very well. As long as their children are ill all their life, they can see it immediately. Trust your feelings and eliminate your fears through external help. When you suspect that the child needs help to deal with a situation that makes him feel overwhelmed, or when you suspect that the child is just avoiding the responsibility of a situation that he is afraid of, you should also trust your feelings and take corresponding actions confidently.

4. When children are sick, make sure they know what happened and how to take the medicine. Don't force children to take medicine, but explain to them why they need to take medicine and ask for their help and cooperation.

5. Don't suggest that children will get sick if they don't wear a coat in cold weather, or they will get sick if they don't get enough sleep, because this may be to arrange for them to get sick, rather than prevent them from getting sick.

6. Be aware of your own preconceptions about disease. Do you think it is better to take care of patients or let them rest? Do you think illness is a trouble, or are you ready to face it when it comes? Do you think we should fight hard even when we are ill? Your opinion of illness will affect how you treat your children and how they feel about illness.

7. Teach children to take care of their bodies and how to take care of themselves through good diet and sleep.

8. Try to use non drug therapy as far as possible, so that children will not think that drugs are omnipotent. Gentle care is more conducive to children's recovery.

9. If someone in your family is ill, don't ignore others in your family and yourself. Take a break with others, and honestly tell your family what happened and how you feel.

10. Make an agreement with the child to allow the child not to go to school one day without any reason, instead of using illness as an excuse.

Source of this article: Sina blogger Dongfang Baby Friend Jia Jun Blog

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