The amount of milk is not related to the maternal age

07:41, January 8, 2016 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily
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Medical guidance/Cen Chunhua, head obstetric nurse of Guangzhou First People's Hospital

Lack of milk is the most troublesome problem for new mothers after childbirth. Now that the new policy for the second child has been implemented, many mothers who want to have a new baby are more worried about their age, whether they will have "no milk" after childbirth, and the baby is more powerless to raise. In this regard, experts believe that as long as they are fertile, the lack of milk has little to do with age, but it is related to the psychological status of the lying in women, nutrition supplements, baby sucking and other reasons. As long as the preparation is adequate and appropriate, the mothers in their 40s will not worry about milk when giving birth to their second child. Pure breastfeeding can still be achieved.

   Colostrum is clear, but its antiviral ingredients are very valuable

Many spicy mothers are afraid of not only insufficient milk, but also out of shape after giving birth. Under the dilemma, some people choose to feed their babies with milk powder. Some novice mothers want to breast feed themselves, but their milk is very light, not as thick as some mothers' milk. Is this kind of milk that looks light without nutrition?

"It is a big mistake to think colostrum is very clear and has no nutrition." Cen Chunhua, head obstetric nurse of Guangzhou First People's Hospital, said that the nutrition of milk that looks light is not necessarily worse than that of thick milk, but the composition of milk is slightly different. It is true that the endocrine milk in the first two weeks after delivery looks slightly like water, but this colostrum contains more protein, less fat, and more zinc and immune substances.

"Colostrum is very clear indeed, but it has many anti-virus ingredients, which are very 'golden'. Don't squeeze out the colostrum in the first few days after delivery, and make sure that your baby can enjoy the most precious' golden food '." Cen Chunhua reminded that healthy breast milk is rich in nutrients, such as fat, protein, calcium and vitamins, These are all important immune factors for baby's health. Adhering to breastfeeding can make baby's body more resistant.

   Older women can also be exclusively breastfed

Many elderly mothers are worried about the lack of milk after giving birth to the second child. Cen Chunhua pointed out that, in fact, as long as they are fertile, the amount of milk has little to do with age, but it has something to do with the mental state of the mothers, nutrition supplement, baby sucking, etc.

On the premise of adequate preparation, elderly mothers can also have enough milk, and can also exclusively breastfeed. It is worth noting that insufficient milk is closely related to improper diet. Cen Chunhua said that the climate in Guangzhou is hot and humid, and some foreign mothers like to eat bacon, spicy and other heavy flavor food, which not only makes milk less, but also affects the quality of milk. In addition, if the postpartum milk is insufficient and the baby is always crying, it will make the mother more anxious. It is suggested that family members should create a good atmosphere to help novice mothers relax, and eat a light diet and drink more soup at the beginning. "Multi pronged" can help promote the secretion of milk.

   Pork Feet Ginger Vinegar "Serves Milk" It's better to drink it 12 days after delivery

How to promote lactation after delivery? Many southerners will think of eating pork feet, ginger and vinegar. Cen Chunhua reminded that although ginger vinegar from pig's feet is easy to milk, the fat particles of pig's feet are large, greasy, and easy to "block", which can cause breast swelling but milk can not flow out. Novice mothers have just given birth to their babies, but their gastrointestinal tract has not yet adapted to it, so they are prone to diarrhea. It is recommended that they should not eat pig's feet ginger and vinegar until 12 days after delivery.

"Cantonese also like stewed hen soup to give milk to pregnant women. However, the ovaries and egg coats of hens contain a certain amount of estrogen. The concentration of estrogen in the blood of pregnant women increases after eating stewed old hens, and the efficacy of prolactin may be affected. A large amount of it may lead to insufficient milk or return of milk." Cen Chunhua suggested that pregnant women should preferably take it about 10 days after delivery Wait until the milk secretion is sufficient before eating hens. The fat of the cock is less than that of the hen. The parturient is not easy to get fat after eating it, which helps the new mother to keep a good figure during lactation.

According to Cen Chunhua, eating purple cabbage, beans, zucchini, and saponin rice can also promote lactation. In addition, beans can help stimulate the production of prolactin, and can also be eaten in moderation.

   Tips: three types of lactation therapeutic formula

1. Tongcao lean meat soup

[Material]: 250g lean pork, 6g clover.

[Preparation]: The lean meat is stewed with herbs, and the meat and soup are eaten when eating.

2. Papaya and crucian carp soup

[Material]: about 500g papaya, 1 crucian carp, a little salt, 6 pieces ginger, 1 tablespoon oil.

[Preparation]: cored, peeled and cut papaya; Heat up the oil pan, add ginger slices, and fry the fragrant crucian carp; Start fish, continue to fry papaya in oil pan; Put papaya into the pot, put some water into the pot and boil it. Pour the fried fish back into the pot. Cook it gently for 1 hour and season.

3. Fish Tail Tofu Soup

[Ingredients]: 2 pieces of tofu, 400g of grass carp tail, a little salt, 5 pieces of ginger, 1 tablespoon of oil.

[Preparation]: Take out the oil pan, add ginger slices, and fry grass carp tail; Put it into the pot, boil it with 8 bowls of water, scoop up 2 bowls of boiling water and pour them into the pot, boil them together with the fried fish tail for a while, then pour the fish tail with the soup back into the pot, boil it with a gentle fire for 1 hour, and season.

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