Preface: True Joy and False Enemy

22:34, December 26, 2016 Sina parenting
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   Li Guimei, President of Taoyuan Children's Literature Association, Taiwan, China

Before I got to know Guangfu, I often heard that he was a selfless person. Especially in writing, he absolutely knew everything about those who asked for help. This made me quite curious, and I couldn't help wondering and imagining what kind of person he was. Because he left the wrong phone number in the Member Handbook of "Taoyuan County Children's Literature Association", I could only hear his name but not see him for a long time.

Finally, I found his home by "searching for the right place", and found that I was full of joy, more amiable and humorous than the rumor. Once, I went to a junior high school with him to tutor fifty aboriginal students in the first day of the first day of the junior high school, and found that his storytelling skills were even better. Not only did he make the students obedient, but also the teachers present listened with great interest!

I think this is due to his service in primary school, his long-term "hanging around" with children, his innocence, his knowledge of children's psychology, and his commitment to the creation of children's literature!

When Guangfu shared his creation process with everyone, he often said that all text creators have experience of being rejected. When he is rejected, he will definitely call the editor in chief "talk, talk". In fact, his name is "Poqing", which is to ask the editor in chief for the reason for rejection. It is this kind of modest attitude of seeking advice that makes his works constantly improve, more and more meet the needs of readers, and more and more attract the attention of readers!

Teacher Guangfu said that before his book was published, only three kinds of people were "lucky" to read it first: his students (listening), his "bosom friends", and the editor in chief. And I, the second kind, am lucky to be regarded as a bosom friend by Guangfu teacher! This book, "Misty Little Enemies", is written about the confused things that often happen in children's daily life, such as: forgetting to bring money when eating, rushing to school on holidays, taking the wrong textbooks in class, recognizing their mothers on the way, riding the wrong car, taking the wrong car... It is natural and lifelike after Guangfu teacher's ingenious arrangement.

In the book, Shufen, who is "confused" by all the people, makes jokes with Junting every day. They are both young and funny. There are also interactions between Junting's mother and Aunt Lin, as well as school teachers and students, forming many interesting pictures. Under the pen of Guangfu, the characters in the book almost jump out of the page alive and come to the readers, which makes people angry and smile sometimes.

Confused Little Enemies gives us a lubricant when we are busy and bored. I believe that this book will not only win the hearts of all parents and teachers, but also be favored by all young readers, and arouse considerable resonance!

The content of this book is selected from Confused Little Enemies, which is authorized by Tsinghua University Press.

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