Eating Log 16: Braised Tofu with White Jade Mushrooms

16:29, February 19, 2017 Sina parenting
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When I read the Encyclopedia of Nature with the girl, I told her that most of the beautiful mushrooms with bright colors and spots were poisonous, while the ones without poison were not so beautiful. The girl kept this in mind. When she went out to play, she would point excitedly at various mushrooms under the trees or in the grass, and judge whether they were poisonous according to the experience I told her, or ask me in turn, "Daddy, is this poisonous? Is that poisonous?" Most of the time, I could only admit that I don't know, Just warned her that these wild mushrooms should not be picked and touched without confirmation. Once she took the girl to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, she saw all kinds of mushrooms on the stall selling mushrooms, and began to get interested again. Pointing to the colorful cordyceps mushrooms, she said, "Dad, is this also a mushroom? The color is so beautiful, I think it is toxic, why are you still selling it here?" Before I could speak, she pointed to the small mushroom and said, "This is definitely not toxic, and the gray is not beautiful at all, is it, Dad?" I said hurriedly: "Girl, these mushrooms are all non-toxic, although some of the colors are beautiful, but not necessarily the beautiful ones are toxic." Then he pointed out to her the white and clean mushrooms and said: "Do you think this mushroom is beautiful?" "Beautiful, beautiful, white!" The girl gently touched the umbrella cover of the mushroom and said, "Dad, is it not poisonous?" So the white jade mushroom braised tofu went to the dinner table at home at the request of the greedy girl.

   Manufacturing materials

Main ingredients: half a jin of white jade mushrooms, a piece of tofu, a little coriander, green onions

Seasoning: salt, sugar, wet starch, stock or boiled water

   Manufacturing steps

  1。 Remove the roots of white jade mushrooms and clean them. Put them into boiling water and blanch them slightly. Remove them for use.

  2。 Cut tofu into pieces, heat a little oil in the pan, and add tofu.

  3。 Sprinkle a layer of salt on the surface, fry the bean curd on one side in a low heat, and then turn it upside down to cook the salted side until both sides are golden.

  4。 Leave a little base oil in the pot, cut scallions into hob pieces, stir fry them until fragrant, and then stir fry white jade mushrooms for a while.

  5。 Add the fried tofu, add some salt and sugar and continue to stir fry.

  6。 Add stock or boiled water to cover the tofu, turn to low heat and cook for 10-15 minutes, add starch, add cilantro and drain out of the pot.


① The main function of adding coriander is to add color and fragrance. If children don't like it, they can replace it with chives or keep it.

② The purpose of sprinkling salt on the side when frying tofu is to make tofu taste good during frying.

③ Tofu dishes also have a word of "stew". Fry them in advance to open their honeycomb holes, and then add the soup to stew them. It is absolutely delicious.

   Wen's Secret 7

How to make tofu more delicious

1. When making tofu, if the cooking time is short, it is difficult to enter the flavor. There are several ways to make tofu taste fast.

2. When frying tofu, sprinkle some salt on the surface of the tofu, so that the salty flavor can quickly penetrate into the tofu when frying.

3. When frying tofu, it must be thoroughly fried, so that when a small amount of water is added for stewing, it is easy to produce absorbent honeycombs inside, which is easy to let the taste of soup seep in. When making tofu, add a small amount of water, cover it and simmer for 10 minutes. Add corresponding vegetables before cooking, and then collect the soup (a small amount of wet starch can be used to make a thin sauce and attach it to the tofu surface).

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label: Childcare

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