WordPress calls to delete the classic-themes.min.css style file of the front-end page

After WordPress is updated to version 6.1, WordPress will automatically generate and reference a class-themes.min.css style file with the ID of class-theme-styles-css in the front end head. The file contains a style code for the class selector.wp-block-button__link, which seems to work on Gutenberg blocks, It can be deleted through the wp_enqueue_scripts hook. The generated calling code is as follows: Delete classic theme
WordPress Tutorial 1663 ℃
 Zbstudio, the theme of Zblog online studio, is quite exquisite and grand

Zbstudio, the theme of Zblog online studio, is quite exquisite and grand

It takes a long time to polish the design and elaborate the development of a set of atmospheric zblog themes. The theme of zbstudio is positioned as a design studio, IT information software company or online marketing company to build a website zblog theme. The overall theme design is suitable for displaying works, products, cases, announcements and information; Studios and companies that collect the needs of interested customers for consultation can meet the needs of most companies or studios for building websites. The theme fully considered the display needs of the studio company's website, designed with large rotating pictures, the company
Zblog template 3480 ℃

Zblog Get the function GetValueInArray() of the specified key value element in the array

PHP obtains the element of a key value in the array, which is a common requirement in Z-Blog theme and plug-in application development, and the implementation code is relatively simple. However, Z-Blog also has a built-in function GetValueInArray() to obtain the element of the specified key value from the array. Using the built-in function, isset judgment can be omitted. At the same time, it internally encapsulates the judgment of whether the required key value exists. If it does not exist, the specified parameter will be returned. Function structure GetValueInArray ($array, $name, $default=null) Parameter description $array - array name, $name - subscript k is required
Zblog Tutorial 1074 ℃

Zblog GetImagesFromHtml()

When developing zblog themes or plug-in applications, you need to obtain all images or the first image in the article content or other HTML code, usually through regular matching. However, since the zblog 1.7 version, the program has closed the GetImagesFromHtml() function, which obtains all images from HTML. With this function, you don't need to write regular matches by yourself anymore. You can call it directly by passing parameters. The function GetImagesFromHtml ($html) is used to obtain all pictures from HTML; Parameter $html - string, HTML code or related variable return value returns a value with HTML
Zblog Tutorial 2432 ℃

Zblog Get GetVars(), a function that passes values such as GET/POST/COOKIE

In PHP, the value of GET, POST, or COOKIE methods is usually obtained by using the $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST, or $_COOKIE variables, and isset() is generally required to determine whether the variables are declared, which is a little troublesome. The function GetVars(), which encapsulates the HTTP Request method of PHP in Z-Log, simplifies the code and can quickly obtain the passed value without isset() judgment. When the variable does not exist, null is returned by default. It also provides optional parameters for the default return value, which is relatively convenient and easy to use. GetVa...
Zblog Tutorial 898 ℃

Method code for adding custom database tables in zblog

In the development of zblog topics or plug-in applications, it is inevitable that there will be a need to add new database tables. Adding new tables manually in the database will have little impact on self use applications, but it is not friendly for charging applications for many users. Therefore, it is necessary to automatically create corresponding database tables through code at the time of application startup. The following is a tutorial of Zblog php on user-defined database tables, which is transferred from the Z-Blog official library Wiki and uses the favorite article function as an example. It introduces table creation, addition, deletion, modification and query in more detail. Tip: This tutorial code only verifies the MySQL database, and the rest needs to be verified by yourself. Tutorial of Creating Tables Declare and Define Data Table Structure function
Zblog Tutorial 2134 ℃
 WordPress calls the video playing plug-in Smartideo of all major platforms quickly

WordPress calls the video playing plug-in Smartideo of all major platforms quickly

Smartideo plug-in is a WordPress plug-in that can quickly insert online video when editing an article. It supports multiple video platforms such as Tencent Video, Youku, Sohu Video, Tudou, 56, Sina Video, Ku6, Huashu, LeEco, etc. It can be set to responsive or fixed size, and supports HTML5 playback on mobile phones, tablets, and other devices. Plug ins are easy to install and easy to use, Copy and paste the url to call it automatically. Plug in tutorial: 1. Download the plug-in: WordPress official website (or search "Smarti
WordPress plug-in 2010 ℃
 YTecn_robots, an SEO optimization plug-in generated by zblog custom Robots rules

YTecn_robots, an SEO optimization plug-in generated by zblog custom Robots rules

The robots.txt file is an important file in SEO optimization of websites and is supported by all search engines. Robots can tell each search engine which pages or directories are allowed to be crawled and which pages or directories are not allowed to be crawled, which can avoid some confidential, unimportant or duplicate files and directories being hidden and included by search. Usually the Robots.txt file is manually edited by the webmaster and uploaded to the root directory of the website, while the zblog plug-in introduced by BlogBar today can save these troubles and can be directly
Zblog plug-in 1082 ℃
 Zblog article alias automatic generation plug-in AutoAlias

Zblog article alias automatic generation plug-in AutoAlias

When an article in zblog uses pseudostatic alias, if the article alias is not set, the url will automatically use the title of the article. However, it is troublesome to manually enter each article, especially for websites that need to publish articles in batches. To solve this problem, you only need to automatically generate the alias, Users who do not code can use the automatic alias zblog plug-in AutoAlias. Plug in Introduction The AutoAlias plug-in is a plug-in that can automatically generate article or label aliases according to the title. It supports batch processing
Zblog plug-in 1078 ℃
 WordPress quickly calls the official website theme plug-in information plug-in WP Plugin Info Card

WordPress quickly calls the official website theme plug-in information plug-in WP Plugin Info Card

The WP Plugin Info Card plug-in is a WordPress plug-in that can quickly call the theme or plug-in information on the official website of WordPress. After installing and activating the plug-in, a tool button will be generated in the toolbar of the article editor. Click the button to enter the application ID in the pop-up window to quickly insert a call short code. Of course, it also supports adding short codes manually. After the article is published, It will automatically call the main information of the official website plug-in or theme through the API, which is very convenient
WordPress plug-in 841 ℃
 Edit Author Slug, a plug-in for WordPress to customize the URL alias of the author archive page

Edit Author Slug, a plug-in for WordPress to customize the URL alias of the author archive page

Users familiar with WordPress know that the URL format of the link to the article author's archive page is domain.com/author/username, and the username at the end of the link is the author's real login user name, which cannot be customized by default, and has the possibility of being brute force cracked to a certain extent. Therefore, whether for WordPress sites that have opened membership or ordinary personal blogs, There are a lot of hidden dangers in website security. Through Edit Author
WordPress plug-in 2160 ℃
 Zblog article automatically generates random picture plug-in zltheme_Figure

Zblog article automatically generates random picture plug-in zltheme_Figure

After installing and enabling the zlteme_Figure plug-in, when publishing articles or storing articles, if there is no picture in the article content, it will automatically select a picture randomly in the picture folder to insert into the content as a picture, which saves the operation of selecting pictures to upload, and is suitable for zblog sites that publish articles in batches. Plug in features: The plug-in comes with 5 pictures, which can be freely uploaded to the specified directory. It seems that there is no limit to the number of pictures. Support custom picture width, text size, and image compression. Picture storage directory by day
Zblog plug-in 1389 ℃

SearchPlus, a pseudo static plug-in that implements zblog search url

The built-in search url of zblog is http://domain name/search. php by default? Q=keyword dynamic url format. Although the zblog static management center can set the website pseudo static, it does not include the search url pseudo static, so if you want to achieve the search url pseudo static, you can either develop it yourself or use the relevant plug-ins that have been developed. Fortunately, there is just such a zblog plug-in SearchPlus. Plug in introduction: The SearchPlus plug-in can realize the pseudo static zblog search url. The url format changes from the original dynamic url to http://domain name/search/keywords/static url lattice
Zblog plug-in 806 ℃