AppNode cluster management panel


GitHub download ZFAKA stable version

Configuration modification

Pseudo static

 if (!- e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?$ 1 last; }

Running directory
Settings - Directory Settings - Run Directory /public
Close the site anti cross site open_basedir
Set - PHP security - site anti cross site directory access restrictions no
Close PathInfo
Set PHP PathInfo close

Install yaf

one Yaf extension installation
Open Component Management - Settings - Install Extensions - Search yaf install
two to configure
Add the following code in Component Management Settings Global Source yaf.environ='product' yaf.use_namespace=1

Access Installation

1. Front prompt:
Warning: Please change to application.ini according to the installation requirements
Modify the path under/conf/
2. Environmental testing
Modify directory permissions and install.
3. More questions go to By ZFAKA

  • Thank the author for open source