
China Telecom Helper

China Telecom Helper

 China Telecom Assistant 

Sign in every day (random golden beans), feed pets every day. Log in every day to receive rewards (5 golden beans), check my cloud disk (10 golden beans), flip cards (10 golden beans), check my orders (5 golden beans), open messages (100 golden beans), share on the day (50 golden beans), browse life channels (5 golden beans), check my golden beans (5 golden beans), follow live broadcast (5 golden beans), watch live broadcast for 15s (5 golden beans), open messages (100 golden beans), Answer the questionnaire (100 Jindou). Some tasks need to be completed manually


It is free to use, prohibited to buy and sell, and only used for learning and research purposes; It shall not be used for commercial or illegal purposes, otherwise, the user shall bear all consequences. You must completely delete the above content from your computer within 24 hours after downloading.


Please check the rules of the activity at the telecom official without explanation

The Jindou automatic call fee exchange module may be profitable and has been removed. It can be exchanged manually, with a fixed monthly rate of 15 yuan, and other irregular activities of 0~200 yuan

Configure Run

The program creates the config.json file in the same directory
Phone, cookie and para capture packets by themselves

The systime can be defaulted, or the domestic cdn can be replaced,

Cloudflare global cdn acceleration

Domestic cdn acceleration

Complete example

"users": [
"cookie": "cookie",
"para": "para",
"phone": 13800138000,
"systime": " ",
"github": " "



test run

Download according to your own system, if not, leave a message


chmod +x China-Telecom-Helper_0.1_linux_amd64

Config.json Don't forget to fill in all parameters

Scheduled execution

Linux can use Crontab to set scheduled tasks

Windows can use the system task scheduler to set scheduled tasks

Running screenshot


China Telecom Assistant v0.1

It is free to use, prohibited to buy and sell, and only used for learning and research purposes; It shall not be used for commercial or illegal purposes, otherwise, the user shall bear all consequences. You must completely delete the above content from your computer within 24 hours after downloading.

Download updates:

Finding configuration files

Configuration found, resolving

Phone: 13800138000
Cookie: cookie
Para: para

Start getting remote time:
2022-05-17 15:54:58
one trillion and six hundred and fifty-two billion seven hundred and seventy-four million ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven

Start 800 Jindou to exchange 5 yuan of call charge: parameter settings not found, automatic skip
Start 400 Jindou to exchange 2 yuan of call charge: parameter settings not found, automatic skip
Start 200 Jindou to exchange 1 yuan of call charge: parameter settings not found, automatic skip

Start the first feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today
Start the second feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today
Start the third feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today
Start the 4th feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today
Start the fifth feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today
Start the 6th feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today
Start the 7th feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today
Start the 8th feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today
Start the 9th feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today
Start the 10th feeding: the maximum feeding times have been reached today

Daily sign in: operation succeeded
Daily login reward collection (5 golden beans): operation succeeded
View my cloud disk (10 golden beans): operation succeeded
Turnover (10 Jindou): operation succeeded
View my order (5 Jindou): operation succeeded
Open message (100 Jindou): operation succeeded
Share on the same day (50 golden beans): successful operation
Browse Life Channel (5 Jindou): operation succeeded
View my Jindou (5 Jindou): operation succeeded
Follow the live broadcast (5 Jindou): successful operation
Cancel following live broadcast: operation succeeded
Watch the live broadcast for 15s (5 Jindou): open the live broadcast of China Telecom
Watch the end of 15s
Open message (100 Jindou): operation succeeded
Answer the questionnaire (100 Jindou): the operation is successful

All completed tasks have been successfully received. Some tasks need to be completed manually. Please refer to GitHub documentation for details. The program will be closed after cleaning the background process



If you think it's easy to use, you can give me a star, so you don't need to give me a reward. It's not profitable. If you find any sign in reward is good, you can leave a message and customize it for free

fabulous ( zero )

This article is written by Ji Changxin Author, article address:
use Knowledge Sharing Attribution 4.0 International License Agreement. Unless the reprint/source is indicated, they are all original or translated by this website. Please sign your name before reprinting. Last editing time: May 17, 2022 at 04:44 PM

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