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Dong Mingzhu and Ma Yun have cooperated with each other for tens of billions of yuan. Gree or sell mobile phones online to Lei Jun

After four years of gestation, Dong Mingzhu and Ma Yun joined hands again, and Gree and Ali formally married.


"If I cooperate with Ma Yun, isn't it that all the world is Gree?" Four years ago, Dong Mingzhu said in the confrontation with Lei Jun twice after he made a bet of 1 billion yuan with Lei Jun. At that time, the statement sent a signal that Dong Mingzhu's e-commerce strategy was very mature, and it was not ruled out that his cooperation with Ma Yun would become a reality in the next step. Four years later, Dong Mingzhu and Ma Yun joined hands again.

A few days ago, Gree Electric reached cooperation with Alibaba, and the two sides signed a 10 billion level strategic cooperation agreement between Gree and Tmall in 2018. The cooperation goal is to achieve the turnover of 10 billion yuan in all Gree products on Tmall's platform in 2018. The two sides will also carry out in-depth cooperation in new retail, big data and other fields.

Industry insiders believe that Dong Mingzhu's re collaboration with Ma Yun is a complete integration of e-commerce and traditional manufacturing in the intelligent era. Gree has strong manufacturing and marketing capabilities, while Tmall is the king in e-commerce channels. Lei Jun can't be underestimated for the marriage between the two parties.

Dong Mingzhu and Ma Yun cooperate and upgrade

The collaboration between Dong Mingzhu and Ma Yun is undoubtedly a major event in the industry. However, this time they will join hands to do great things, or include the mobile phone industry.

A few days ago, Gree announced that it has reached ten billion yuan strategic cooperation with Tmall. According to the agreement, both parties signed a sales target of 10 billion yuan in 2018.

This time, Dong Mingzhu and Ma Yun joined hands not only in business cooperation, but also in industry subversion and change. After this cooperation, Gree will open the omni channel retail mode in combination with Tmall to accelerate the transformation and transformation of the brand in China. At the same time, Gree and Tmall will cooperate in new retail and big data fields.

It is reported that on the day of strategic cooperation, although Dong Mingzhu did not appear in person, he also sent a congratulatory video. She said, "August 29 is the first Tmall Super Brand Day of Gree. My 80000 employees and I are here to thank you again and jump with us on Tmall Super Brand Day."

An insider of Gree said: "Gree Air Conditioner's new product will be launched on Tmall Super Brand Day. In the future, Gree may open its channels to sell Gree mobile phones on Tmall."

A few years ago, the bet of 1 billion yuan between Lei Jun and Dong Mingzhu was still in the air. Lei Jun led Xiaomi to plan in the air-conditioning industry where Gree is located for several years, and finally officially entered the "base area" of Gree recently. In August this year, the Xiaomi ecological chain enterprise Zhimi Technology released its first DC variable frequency air conditioning product, pointing directly to the main business of Gree Electric. And Gree has also made mobile phones early. At present, many generations of Gree mobile phones have been sold on the market. Both sides have advantages in their respective fields, and the outside world has different opinions on the strength of each party.

However, no matter who is the opponent, Dong Mingzhu and Ma Yun are together, which obviously adds weight to their 1 billion yuan bet with Lei Jun.

Want to change the retail model

In fact, this is not the first cooperation between Dong Mingzhu and Ma Yun.

Gree entered Tmall five years ago. In recent years, Gree Appliance has been constantly exploring and developing in the field of e-commerce.

It is reported that Gree and Tmall will accelerate their cooperation in online sales, services and intelligent research. In the future, the two sides will also set up a joint laboratory to make C2B customization according to the needs of consumers by using the core technology of Gree Electric and the big data advantages of Tmall, so as to provide consumers with more personalized products.

In this regard, Yin Jing, president of Tmall Electric Meijia Business Group, said, "From January to July this year, the cumulative growth rate of Gree Air Conditioner exceeded 400% (430% in real terms), effectively driving the growth rate of Gree in all categories of Tmall. Among them, in June this year, the sales of Gree Air Conditioner ranked first in the whole industry, with a year-on-year growth rate of more than 500%."

According to Tmall insiders, the first customized and dedicated model Fengfeiyang three-level energy efficiency hang up series of products jointly produced by Gree Tmall in 2018 is expected to achieve a single product sales of more than 100 million in Tmall flagship stores.

Liu Jun, vice president of Gree Electric, said: "Taking this cooperation as an opportunity, Gree will combine the professional data analysis, marketing planning, media launch and other forms of Tmall, open the omni channel retail model, accelerate the transformation and transformation of the brand in China, and build a more complete and convenient vertical sales network and service system. We will build the official flagship store of Gree Tmall as the main front for brand rejuvenation. "

"Through this strategic cooperation, we will jointly improve the image of Gree's flagship store on Tmall, and Gree and Tmall will create more diversified innovative cooperation, so as to achieve the goal of 10 billion yuan of all Gree products on Tmall's platform in 2018". Liu Junru said.

The article is adapted from Rice Hull Net:

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