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Come and listen, Sony has written two popular songs with AI

When it comes to AI, you may remember that in March this year, Korean Go player Li Shi "and Google computer Go program AlphaGo's human-computer war finally defeated Li Shi "with a total score of 1:4. In May this year, according to QUARTZ It is reported that AI has also entered the law firm to help handle legal affairs. The work done by junior lawyers can be completely replaced by procedures. Now, AI has begun to enter the music industry that boasts creativity. Sony wrote two popular songs with it for the first time, which sounds good.


According to digital trends, Sony's computer science laboratory in Paris has focused on the research and development of cutting-edge music technology since 1997. Last week, Sony finally released two popular songs written with AI for the first time. However, in 2014, Sony also released jazz music produced by AI.

According to QUARTZ, the first of the two songs is named Daddy's Car , with the catchy and sunny nostalgic tune of the Beatles. The second one is called Mr Shadow, which mixes the styles of several American musicians. These musicians include Irving Berlin, Duke Ellington, George Gershwin and Cole Porter.

Sony's artificial intelligence program is called FlowMachines. Its principle is to create similar works by analyzing a database with a large number of songs, and then exploring a special style, such as the Beatles style of the first song.

It is worth mentioning that the final song is not completely executed by AI from beginning to end, but also needs human help. After the completion of AI, French composer Beno î t Carr é will finally arrange these tunes and lyrics to make them more fluent.

According to the official website of Sony, AI song writing will create a new mode of contacting music, interacting with sound and human beings, but it also raises an important question about the creativity and originality of artists.

However, at present, human beings still play a role in AI composition, but it is bound to change the entire music industry in the future. Sony also said that it will officially release a music album created by artificial intelligence next year.

The article is adapted from Rice Hull Net:

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