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Real automatic driving! Tesla has made another big move

As we all know, Tesla has been building a fully automated driving technology for a long time. One day, we may not need to use the word "driver" at all.


On Saturday local time, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, released a new video of Tesla's automatic driving on Twitter. In the video, we can see that Tesla's automated driving technology has become familiar with driving safely in the street, avoiding pedestrians, and stopping in front of each "Stop" sign as required.


In fact, this is not the first time that Musk has released a video clip about Tesla's automatic driving. However, this time, the video content is more abundant, for example, the video contains the display mode of automatic driving from multiple perspectives, and clearly shows how the vehicle obtains road information through sensors and makes driving adjustments.

In addition, Tesla also replaced the background music of the video from the previously used Rolling Stone band Paint it Black with the theme song Yakety Sax of the British classic program The Benny Hill Show.

It should be noted that Musk said in an interview with the Financial Times that Tesla's electric car will soon be able to automatically drive from the west coast to the east coast of the United States.

"By the end of next year at the latest, (Tesla's electric car) can take you all the way from your home in Los Angeles to Times Square (New York City), and then park your own car. The owner doesn't even need to operate anything on the way.". Musk said.

In addition, according to foreign media reports, Tesla's latest Autopilot v8 software update has made it very easy for people to drive. The new system will largely rely on radar to detect obstacles, and it will be the first to reach Level 5 5) Automatic driving level system. To put it simply, the updated Tesla cars can reach the level of fully automatic driving. Of course, Mask and Tesla certainly do not allow owners to do so at present. But except for a few accidents, Tesla has shown people its super high automatic driving technology.

The article is adapted from Rice Hull Net:

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