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Qingdao Huasha Eye Hospital: new measures help protect the bright future of children and adolescents

The problem of myopia among children and adolescents is becoming a social topic of concern in recent years. In order to implement the national call for the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents and do a good job in the visual health of children and adolescents, Qingdao Huasha Eye Hospital (hereinafter referred to as "Qingdao Huasha") has recently joined hands with Qingdao Longwen Education Institute (hereinafter referred to as "Longwen Education") Jointly launched the project of "eye color peer and care for the bright", aiming to give play to the advantages of the platform resources of both sides, jointly protect the clear vision of children and adolescents, and care for the bright future.

Wang Yang, the general manager of Qingdao Huasha, Li Mi, the deputy general manager, Ying Liang, the vice president of business, Yang Ming, the director of the myopia prevention and control department, Yang Chanchan, the director of the optometry and optometry department, medical staff of the ophthalmology department, Zhang Yi, the head of Qingdao Huasha (Shibei Clinic), Huang Hua, the head of Longwen Education Qingdao, and Wang Weizhong, the manager of the administrative department, attended the signing ceremony of the project.

At the beginning of the signing ceremony, General Manager Li Mi, Deputy General Manager of Qingdao Huasha, explained the content of the project of "Eyes and colors go together and care for the bright". The project will be selected by the expert group of Qingdao Huasha, which will provide free eye health examination and expert science lectures twice a year for students, parents, teachers, employees, etc. of 7 Longwen Education companies registered in 10 districts (cities) of Qingdao, For those who need eye health diagnosis and treatment, provide relief for glasses, refractive surgery, comprehensive eye disease surgery and other related relief, to protect their eye health.

Signing of the project of "eye color peer protection bright"

Donation of Love Pack for Myopia Prevention and Control

It is worth mentioning that at the signing ceremony, Qingdao Huasha, together with the China Children's Charity Relief Foundation, jointly launched a matching fund for Longwen Education, and donated 300 pairs of love glasses for children and young people in the organization, with a total value of about 90000 yuan. Qingdao Huasha, as the executive unit, will provide matching services to protect the bright future of more children and young people.

At the end of the signing ceremony, Wang Yang, General Manager of Qingdao Huasha, delivered a speech. He first congratulated the two parties on the successful signing of the contract and looked forward to the follow-up implementation of the project. He said that the myopia rate of children and adolescents in China has reached more than 70%, of which the high myopia rate is rising year by year, which seriously threatens the vision health and comprehensive development of adolescents. Qingdao is one of the cities with a high myopia rate in China. The CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee and the Qingdao Municipal Government have always attached great importance to the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents, and have repeatedly put forward the working idea of "full participation, multi sector linkage, and universal governance".

As a member of Qingdao ophthalmology, Qingdao Huasha shoulders social responsibility. This cooperation with Longwen Education is an important measure to respond to national policies and actively participate in the protection of young people's vision health. We hope that everyone can cooperate with each other to protect children's and young people's vision health in an all-round way and build a perfect myopia prevention and control system through the linkage of medical care and education, Let children have a bright future.

Children are the future of the motherland and the dawn of a new journey. A pair of healthy and bright eyes are their window to the world. It is the unshirkable responsibility of schools, families, medical institutions and society to protect the eyesight of every child. The successful signing of the project of "eye color peer and care for the bright" has provided valuable reference for promoting the in-depth development of the prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents in Qingdao.

key word: Qingdao fine writing teenagers children

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