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China Construction Bank Beijing Branch: Exerting the Financial Multiplier Effect to Keep Pace with the Development of the Capital in Urban Renewal

The life of a city lies in its constant renewal and continuous burst of vitality. Renewal is an eternal state and constant theme of a city.

At present, driven by industrialization, urbanization and modernization, China has entered the era of stock. Urban renewal is moving from pursuing increment to revitalizing stock, and from extension to connotation. This is undoubtedly pushing the urban renewal work everywhere from point to area, from large-scale sports transformation to small-scale gradual renewal, from a single path to a differentiated path, and running through the "people build people's cities, people build people's cities for people".

However, each city has different characteristics. For Beijing as the capital, "what kind of capital and how to build the capital?" not only embodies the Party Central Committee's many strategic thoughts and judgments on the history, current situation and future of the capital, but also is closely related to the lives of the people.

In order to answer this important issue of the times in depth, Beijing has clearly proposed that Beijing's urban renewal is a city renewal that implements the strategic positioning of the capital city in the new era, a city renewal that inherits a thousand years of history, a city renewal with reduced volume and high-quality development, and a city renewal that meets the people's good life.

In the past two years, under the leadership of the Urban Work Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the overall planning of the Urban Renewal Special Team, with the effective organization of municipal departments and the specific promotion of districts, streets and townships, various urban renewal work in Beijing has been carried out efficiently and orderly, the Beijing Urban Renewal Regulations have been issued, the Beijing Urban Renewal Special Plan has been issued, and a market-oriented urban renewal alliance has been formed A number of demonstration projects have been implemented, presenting a number of typical cases with good reputation, high efficiency and wide influence, and the overall effect is good.

Among them, China Construction Bank, as a "time-honored brand" in the field of real estate finance, has taken practical actions to devote itself to major issues of the times. On the one hand, give full play to the traditional advantages and professional capabilities of CCB's housing finance, and increase credit supply and comprehensive financial support; On the other hand, integrating the innovative practices of CCB in housing leasing, financial technology and other fields in recent years, responding to the development strategy of the capital, and exploring new models and paths of urban renewal in a multi-channel way under the new situation, we have achieved fruitful results.

Data shows that since the founding of the Alliance, the Beijing Branch of China Construction Bank has supported nearly 200 capital city renewal projects and approved loans of nearly 200 billion yuan. The loan supported the withdrawal of 1016 households in the core area, and supported the reconstruction of more than 870000 square meters of old residential areas.

"Old" City "Changing Tide", Fireworks Continuation

"Canopy, fish tank, pomegranate tree; sir, fat dog, fat girl." In this beautiful scene of life in Beijing Hutong, the traditional quadrangle buildings with blue bricks and grey tiles, jade terraces and red pillars, square courtyards, and scattered ridges, not only carry people's feelings and nostalgia, but also rely on the unique historical memory of the four and nine cities to make the protective repair of bungalows and courtyards in the functional core area of the capital Restorative construction has become an important task of urban renewal in Beijing.

Among them, Caixi District, located in the southwest of Caishikou, Xicheng District, Beijing, is one of the 13 cultural elite areas in the old city of Beijing designated in the spatial structure plan of the core area of Beijing's overall urban planning. However, the private building and disorderly construction of walkways occupy the streets, and the wires can be compared to a "bird's nest". The old streets often complain that "there is water everywhere when it rains", "it is inconvenient for the elderly to go to the toilet", "it is too narrow to get to the car", etc, It is a big problem puzzling residents' life.

In June 2019, Caixi launched the first "application based rent refund" in the city, implemented the requirements of the new general plan of Beijing to "strengthen the overall protection of the old city", carried out the return and improvement of the new model for the purpose of restorative construction, followed the voluntary principle of residents, and preserved the texture of streets and alleys.

Beijing Branch assisted the Xicheng District Government in innovative exploration of the cooperation mode of "promoting the whole hospital", responded to the personalized needs of the undeveloped residents by "one household, one discussion", and took the premise of retaining the lease right of the undeveloped houses, that is, the "right to leave", to provide the residents with free housing resources for relocation within a certain period of time to facilitate the relocation and replacement of the original residents of the symbiosis hospital, and solve the population dispersion The problem of residents' evacuation.

It is reported that through "commercial rent exchange", not only the value of hutong courtyards has been improved, but also the population has been relieved, courtyards have been rebuilt, streets and alleys have been renovated, and finally a livable commercial area with cultural characteristics has been formed. The project also won the title of "Best Practice" of the first Beijing urban renewal.

In the Wuli Community of Zhenwumiao, which is only 10 minutes' drive away from the Western District of Cuisine, the Beijing Branch adopted a completely different strategy in the face of the old community built in the 1950s and 1960s.

It is understood that the successful "transformation" of the old building of Zhenwu Temple benefited from the "rental replacement" model explored by Beijing Branch, which cooperated with the project implementation subject through "replacement, renovation and supplement", and helped to improve the quality of old residential buildings and enhance the living experience through rental replacement, renovation and professional operation. CCB Housing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. acquires the rental right of the original residents and pays the rent to the residents in lump sum, so that the original residents can replace other communities with better living conditions. At the same time, with the investment of social capital, professional institutions will clean and paint the building body, repair waterproofing, and increase insulation; Regularize facade cables and replace guardrails; Complete the renovation and repair of the underground water in the building.

After renovation, the old buildings have taken on a new look, the living environment has been significantly improved, and many white-collar workers in the financial street have also won their favor. "It's very convenient to walk for more than 10 minutes every day. The hardbound decoration is of high quality, and the lease period is long. It's reassuring!" As the first batch of tenants after transformation, Ms. Shen, who arrived in Beijing from Shanghai as an executive of a company, was very satisfied with this home in Beijing.

It can be seen that, relying on the accumulation of capacity in the field of urban construction and renewal, the Beijing Branch gives full play to the traditional advantages and professional capabilities of housing finance, focuses on the central tasks of improving the level of urban modernization governance, relieving non capital functions, industrial transformation and upgrading, and new city residential housing, combined with the actual needs of the project, It has created a "product toolbox" and a "technical toolbox" with nearly 20 exclusive credit products and platform support systems, created many precedents, and formed a reference implementation case. According to the relevant person in charge of Beijing Branch, China Construction Bank has formed a "five categories" service system for urban renewal of residential, industrial, facility, public space and regional comprehensive cities.

From "bow in" to "win-win cooperation"

If we can say that from the innovation of many sustainable urban renewal models, such as "promoting the whole hospital", "leasing replacement", "business to rent", "industry to rent", and "homestead transformation", we can see that CCB has entered the market. Then, in the rhythm of CCB's search for services for Beijing's urban renewal, the other side of CCB's search for win-win cooperation cannot be ignored.

In 2022, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council approved China Construction Bank to invest 30 billion yuan to set up a housing leasing fund on a pilot basis in order to implement the simultaneous development of rental and purchase, accelerate the development of the long-term rental housing market, and increase the supply of affordable rental housing.

CCB Beijing Branch set up a special class for housing rental funds at the first time, and actively participated in project screening, sub fund establishment and other matters. At present, 39 key projects have been reserved, of which 3 have been actually invested, with a total investment of 1.48 billion yuan. Since this year, two sub funds have been set up in Beijing, with a total scale of 15 billion yuan.

It is reported that CCB also plans to take the lead in setting up the "Beijing Urban Renewal Fund", explore the establishment of a financial support platform for urban renewal projects, introduce more social capital for Beijing urban renewal investment, and initially form a closed-loop service of "investment, finance, management and return".

In addition, CCB Beijing Branch also issued the first domestic inter-bank housing lease REITs, commissioned the construction of the "settle in Beijing" system platform, and won the bid for the first batch of public offering REITs trusteeship bank qualification for affordable housing lease in the city affordable housing center.

In addition, CCB also took the lead in establishing an industrial alliance, creating an ecosystem with a full life cycle and full industrial chain, and actively connected with the district government and various implementation entities. It has signed cooperation agreements on urban renewal and housing leasing with dozens of implementation entities at all levels, including the district governments of Xicheng District, Shijingshan District, Haidian District, and China Resources, Poly, Pioneer, and Pioneer.

In July 2022, the Beijing Urban Renewal Alliance was officially established at the first Beijing Urban Renewal Forum, and CCB was elected as the first rotating chairman. During the development and expansion of the Alliance, in addition to attracting large comprehensive enterprises, it also fully considered the characteristics, chains and business types of urban renewal work, actively invited small, refined and specialized enterprises, and participated in urban planning and design, construction, material supply, scientific and technological innovation, operation and other distinctive enterprises. At present, the Alliance has formed 20 governing units, A solid platform for 160 member units to participate in mutual assistance.

As an important market player, the Alliance participated in the preparation of Beijing Urban Renewal Regulations. After the implementation of the regulations, the Alliance also organized training on interpretation of Beijing Urban Renewal Regulations in order to promote each unit to deeply understand the formulation ideas and innovative points of the regulations, and to focus on the implementation and application of the regulations.

It is worth noting that CCB and members of Beijing Urban Renewal Alliance jointly promoted the implementation of accessibility standards in urban renewal projects, took the lead in exploring the construction of accessibility environment, and completed the barrier free transformation of 369 outlets in the city.

By pooling the strength and wisdom of the masses, the urban renewal of the capital presents a lively situation of thousands of sails competing for development, which not only shows the innovative idea of "opening up and closing up", but also reflects the professional focus of "embroidery skills". These innovative practices have promoted the improvement of the city's functional quality and the release of the vitality of the times.

Diversified financial services help urban renewal

From Shougang Park, the host of the first Beijing Urban Renewal Forum in 2022, to The Box Outward Youth Force Center in 2023. Recently, the second Beijing Urban Renewal Forum and the first Beijing Urban Renewal Week were officially opened at The Box Youth Force Center in Chaoyang District.

It was reported that the event was guided by the Beijing Urban Renewal Special Group and initiated and organized by the Beijing Urban Renewal Alliance. With the theme of "jointly developing renewal and sharing beauty", it focused on the achievements of Beijing urban renewal, and through forums, seminars, exhibitions, participation, experience, interaction and other forms, it further called on citizens to walk into the renewal projects around them and feel the renewal of the city, Promote the integrated development of urban renewal and social life, stimulate consumption potential and promote high-quality development of Beijing.

Among them, in order to further help Beijing to create a diversified urban renewal culture, CCB also issued the "Beijing Urban Renewal Co branded Digital RMB Hard Wallet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Urban Renewal Hard Wallet") during this event, and people can win the "Urban Renewal Hard Wallet" by participating in the "CCB Life" interactive game during the forum, Experience the convenient consumption of digital RMB hard wallet.

The "Urban Renewal Hard Wallet", as the digital RMB limited commemoration surrounding this forum, takes the elements of "Beijing Urban Renewal Week" as the main image, and its appearance adopts the dual-use design of "bracelet+pendant". It is convenient to carry and has the advantages of zero handling fee, no secret payment, real-time payment, and convenient recharge. Personal wallet users can use "touch" to complete digital RMB payment.

In order to promote consumption and support the activities of Beijing Urban Renewal Week, the Beijing Branch also issued consumption vouchers at the main activities and sub activities through the "CCB Life" platform, guiding citizens to punch in, consume, collect badges and experience a beautiful update through the CCB Life APP. It is understood that during the city renewal week, the "CCB Life" platform has issued nearly 600000 consumer vouchers in total, driving the consumption transaction volume to exceed 50 million yuan.

In fact, not only in this activity, CCB has already integrated urban renewal elements into daily inclusive financial services. According to the introduction, in combination with consumption scenarios such as "a quarter hour convenient life circle", the Beijing Branch also provided inclusive financial services of "Beijing Circle Life Loan" for merchants in the pilot area of urban renewal. For eligible merchants, the maximum loan limit for a single household is 10 million yuan, the maximum loan term is 3 years, and the annual interest rate is as low as 3%. Merchants can complete the whole process operation from loan application to disbursement, as well as "one-stop" service and "one price" charging within one minute through the "CCB Understand You" APP experience.

As the event host, The Box Youth Force Center's reconstruction project is not only the first financial innovation pilot project of Beijing Branch separating property rights from business rights, but also provides long-term financial support to Yingzhan Group, the operator, through handling urbanization construction loans, to help new financial development, respond to national policies, and support the capital function transformation of Beijing Municipal Government and Chaoyang District Government. In the second "Best Practices of Beijing Urban Renewal" selection activity, it was selected into 10 "Best Practices" of urban renewal.


The implementation of urban renewal action and the transformation of urban development and construction mode and economic growth mode are of great significance to comprehensively improve the development quality of the capital Beijing, meet the growing needs of the people for a better life, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society.

key word: to update city Beijing Beijing

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