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Guoshou Assets was qualified for the first batch of asset securitization business by insurance asset management institutions

October 13, China.com Finance and Economics (reporter Guo Weiying) Today, with the approval of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration and the CSRC, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a letter of no objection to China Life Asset Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guoshou Asset"), agreeing that Guoshou Asset would carry out asset securitization business in the exchange, Guoshou Assets obtained the qualification of the first batch of asset securitization business from insurance asset management institutions.

Guoshou Assets said that this is the key layout of the company as a versatile asset management organization to further strengthen its own capacity building and consolidate the basis for high-quality development, marking that the company's asset securitization business has entered a new stage of development.

Exchange asset securitization products (hereinafter referred to as "Exchange ABS") are one of the most important varieties of China's asset securitization market, and also an essential part of China's infrastructure public offering REITs products, which has an important meaning for broadening corporate financing channels and revitalizing social stock assets.

In March 2023, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange officially released the relevant requirements for insurance asset management companies to carry out asset securitization business, expanding the scope of ABS managers of the exchange to insurance asset management companies. Guoshou Assets closely communicated with the regulatory authorities, and steadily and efficiently promoted various preparatory work according to the regulatory requirements, which was recognized by the regulatory authorities, It became one of the first insurance asset management institutions to obtain the ABS business qualification of the Exchange, demonstrating the comprehensive strength of Guoshou Assets as the "head goose" of the industry.

In the next step, Guoshou Assets will base on the positioning of the main investment platform of China Life Insurance System, give full play to the unique advantages of insurance funds, take the exchange ABS as an important starting point, continue to implement the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, and participate in the financial activities of revitalizing existing assets and expanding effective investment in a broader and deeper level, Make greater contributions to the high-quality development of the insurance asset management industry.

key word: assets exchange first batch mechanism

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