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Let the accusers pay the price Ningxia Yinchuan clarifies and corrects 75 cadres

China News Network, Yinchuan, October 17 (Reporter Li Peishan) The reporter learned from the Yinchuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Ningxia on October 17 that the discipline inspection and supervision authorities at all levels in Yinchuan City vigorously crack down on false accusation and frame up, and at the same time, promote the clarification and rectification work in one body. Up to now, Yinchuan has clarified and corrected the names of 75 cadres who have been falsely reported, investigated and handled 2 cases of false accusation and frame up, punished 1 person by Party discipline, transferred 17 false accusation and frame up clues to the public security organ, and imposed administrative penalties on 7 people, continuously releasing a strong signal of "letting the false accusers pay the price" as "good cadres support and encourage".


It is reported that, in order to fully mobilize and protect the enthusiasm of cadres and officials for entrepreneurship, the Yinchuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, in conjunction with the Yinchuan Municipal Public Security Bureau, recently issued the "Yinchuan Municipal Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Organ and the Public Security Organ Bi directional Transfer of Clues on False Accusations and Frameups (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Working Measures"), which is effective in combating false accusations and frame ups, creating a way to promote the clean The good political ecology of entrepreneurship plays a positive role.

The Methods of Work focus on combating the illegal acts of false accusation and frame up of party members and public officials by people from both Africa and China. From the system level, it clarifies the procedure and time limit for the discipline inspection and supervision organ to transfer the clues of the problem that people from both Africa and China are suspected of false accusation and frame up of party members and public officials to the public security organ, which provides a systematic basis for combating false accusation and frame up in an all-round way, Ensure that the crackdown is more standardized.

The Methods of Work regard the study and judgment of the clues of false accusation and framing as the prescribed action for discipline enforcement and case handling, and require the undertaking department to study and judge whether there is false accusation and framing at the same time after the case verification and collective study. In particular, the verification is not true, and the verification results have been fed back to the real name whistleblower, but the real name whistleblower still continues to repeatedly report the letter to strengthen the research and judgment, whether there are two non personnel suspected of false accusation against party members and public officials clues, to ensure that the problem clues are not missed.

At the same time, the Working Methods have further penetrated the two-way channel for transferring the clues of false accusation and frame up of party members, public officials and non party officials. The discipline inspection and supervision authorities have timely transferred the letters, visits, reports and problem clues of suspected false accusation and frame up of party members and public officials received or found by non party officials to the public security organs for handling according to the procedures. The public security organ has given administrative punishment to the false accusation and frame up of party members and public officials or has put on file a criminal case. According to the cadre management authority, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organ and the public security organ shall perform their respective duties, cooperate with each other and form a joint force to effectively crack down on the false accusation and frame up. (End)

key word: False accuser Giving cost Ningxia Yinchuan

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