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Operating a clinic without a license is fined, refused to correct and enforced

Recently, the People's Court of Miyun District of Beijing accepted an application for compulsory execution submitted by the competent health department. An unlicensed "black clinic" was imposed with an administrative penalty of 50000 yuan. The Miyun court ruled that it should be enforced because it had not paid the fine.

The man Xiao Liu is dissatisfied with his single eyelid. In December 2021, a friend introduced Xiao Liu to a clinic in the garage. After being promoted by the clinic boss Wang, Xiao Liu spent 3000 yuan on double eyelid surgery. A few days later, Liu's right eye was swollen and accompanied by bleeding, and his symptoms continued for a week without improvement. He contacted the clinic boss to negotiate, but the other party has been unable to contact. Later, Xiao Liu called the local health authorities to complain.

In January 2022, the competent health department found after verification that Mr. Wang carried out diagnosis and treatment activities without obtaining a medical institution license, and his behavior was suspected to be illegal. According to the provisions of China's Basic Health Care and Health Promotion Law, the competent health authorities imposed an administrative penalty on Mr. Wang, fined him 50000 yuan, and ordered him to immediately correct the above violations.

After the punishment decision was made, Wang did not apply for administrative review or file an administrative lawsuit within the statutory time limit, nor did he fulfill the punishment decision. Later, the competent health department applied to Miyun Court for compulsory execution of the punishment decision against Wang.

The Miyun Court held that Wang's unauthorized diagnosis and treatment activities without obtaining a medical institution license violated the provisions of China's Basic Medical Health and Health Promotion Law. The administrative penalty decision made by the competent health department against Mr. Wang according to the law was clearly identified, the application of law was correct, the procedure was legal, and had legal enforcement effect, so it was ruled to grant compulsory enforcement.

key word: Wang Xiao Liu 10000 yuan Miyun

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