Life perception

Life is like a movie that can't be played back. Cherish the present and record beauty
home page Essay Life perception
 Life perception, no longer young, actually very good

Life perception, no longer young, actually very good

I have always felt that I am still young and unconvinced by the deterioration of my physique; Wrinkles at the corners of the eyes; Not convinced that youth is gone; Not convinced of the growth of age. Gradually, I realized that because I care too much, I am really no longer young
Life perception 2020.10.28 zero two thousand eight hundred and fifty-four
 Cherish the people who love you most

Cherish the people who love you most

Sometimes, the husband is your oldest child. After taking off his suit, he is allowed to change his face. He is always unable to close the toothpaste cap. He is always trying to hint before he remembers your birthday. In fact, under the strong appearance, he
Life perception 2020.05.21 zero two thousand seven hundred and eighty-three
 Smart people don't laugh, talk or argue

Smart people don't laugh, talk or argue

Wise people, who see through but don't tell, who see through but don't expose, leave room for others and give themselves a way out. They won't fight, won't rob, and won't haggle over every ounce. To be a man, we should be a smart man and keep an ordinary life
Life perception 2020.05.21 zero two thousand nine hundred and fourteen
 Although goodness is small, it can also light a lamp

Although goodness is small, it can also light a lamp

When I was young, my family was poor, and the best food was probably glutinous rice pancakes made by my mother. At this time, our three sisters (I, brother, sister) all sat around the stove, staring at the pancakes in the pan, watching the snow
Life perception 2020.05.21 zero two thousand five hundred and seventy-nine