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There are plenty of ways to socialize at LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community

byFree Software FoundationContributions Published onApr 02, 2024 02:44 PM
In this blog, we're sharing with you all the ways you can socialize and participate in LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community outside of the official program.

Social activities

Check out the growing number ofsocial activitiesyou can participate in on the weekend ofLibrePlanet 2024:

  • Friday night "open" office:Socialize and see the FSF office for yourself;
  • Walk on Saturday night:Meet new people and get some fresh air after sitting through conference sessions indoors;
  • Annual FSF associate members meeting:Share your feedback with the FSF and discuss with other FSF associate members where you think the FSF should be going;
  • Diversity breakfast:A space for women, nonbinary people, and all those who have been traditionally excluded from technological and social causes;
  • Licensing table:Meet the Licensing and Compliance Lab;
  • Newcomer orientation:Connect with other people and get an overview of what's going on.

A ball room with chandeliers at the Wentworth Institute of Technology which will be the keynote room for LibrePlanet 2024.

How to actively participate in LibrePlanet: Cultivating Community

Do you want to participate in LibrePlanet more actively? Then considerproposing or organizing aBirds of a Feather session,volunteeringto help with the event, or giving alightning talkon a free software topicyou're passionate about.

Volunteer remotely or in person

We are looking for volunteers who can either support us on-site oronline. We'll be looking for people who can help us with moderation,room monitoring, and other important tasks that make the eventpossible. For more information see theCall for Volunteers. Yourhelp makes LibrePlanet an even greater success, and whilevolunteering you can learn from others and thereby furtherrefine your organizational or technical skills. Please emailresources@fsf.organd let us know whether you want tovolunteer in person or remotely.

Organize a Birds of a Feather session

Birds of a Feather sessions (BoF) are a time for people to gettogether around a specific topic, either to focus on conversations,come up with new ideas, or just spend time socializing. Interestedin organizing a BoF? On theLibrePlanet wiki, you can let othersknow what your session is about and where to meet. There arealready some fun sessions about free software games and so-called"artificial intelligence" listed there.

Submit a lightning talk

Lightning talks are five-minute presentations given by conferenceattendees on free software topics they're passionate about. No matterif you intend to attend online or in person,submit a lightning talktodayand gain an enthusiastic audience for youridea or project. The lightning talks will be presented on Sunday, May 5, 11:15 - 12:00 EDT (15:00 UTC). There are already some promising lightning talks listed on theLibrePlanet wiki. Check them out!

A classroom at the Wentworth Institute of Technology with the LibrePlanet 2024 logo on it.

The facts about LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community

LibrePlanet: Cultivating Community will be held on May 4 and 5, 2024.The in-person part of the conference will take place at theWentworthInstitute of Technology(WIT) in Boston, MA, USA. For information ontransportation, accommodation, and restaurants, please visit thelodging& travelsection of the conference page. If you haven't registeredalready, please register now:

Important notice for minors, parents, and guardians:The WIT asks us toinform you that minors will have to be accompanied by a parent or a guardianin order to attend LibrePlanet 2024 in person. Parents or guardians areresponsible for the minors they accompany.

We look forward to seeing you at LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community!

Your LibrePlanet team

Image Copyright © 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc., licensed underCreative CommonsAttribution 4.0 International license.

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