Cambridge IELTS 18Test1Part1 Analysis of Listening Answers

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Cambridge IELTS 18Test1Part1 Analysis of Listening Answers Transport Survey

The first part of the first set of questions of Cambridge IELTS 18 Listening Comprehension consists of 10 note filling questions. The content of the examination is the common spelling of letters, dates, scene words, etc. in Part 1. There are almost no interference items. The spelling of words is not difficult, and the overall difficulty is low. Below are the answers to each question.

Cambridge IELTS 18Test1Part 1 Listening original text and answers Transport Survey

Cambridge IELTS 18 Test1 Part 1 Analysis of Listening Answers

Answer to question 1: DW30 7YZ

Corresponding original text: It's DW30 7YZ

Answer analysis: examine your sensitivity to numbers and letters. The only thing to note is that most of the zip codes investigated on Cambridge IELTS were 6 digits, but this question was 7 digits, and the 30 in the middle didn't read three zero, but three, which may sound strange.

Answer to question 2: 24 (th) April

Corresponding original text: OK And that was today. It’s the  24th of April (Q2) , isn’t it?

Answer analysis: This question has a small interference term. The men first said that today was April 24, but the women suspected that today was 25, which finally proved that women were wrong. Just fill in what we heard at the beginning.

Answer to question 3: denist

Corresponding original text: Yes I did some shopping but the main reason I came here was to go to the  dentist

Answer analysis: I heard that shopping realized that the answer was coming, and the unprecedented words visit and go to were synonymous with each other, thus locking down the secret.

Answer to question 4: parking

Corresponding original text: Yes I stopped driving in ages ago, this article is from laokaoya website, because parking was so difficult to find and it costs so much.

Answer analysis: This question uses the method of word order reversal. First say the answer "parking", then mention the costs so much corresponding to the question. Some test your short-term memory ability.

Answer to question 5: Claxby

At the bus stop on Claxby  Street.

Answer analysis: simply examine the spelling of letters. However, because x seldom appears in such topics, it may sound strange.

Answer to question 6: late

But this morning it was late . Only about 10 minutes, but still.

Answer analysis: It can be seen from the complaints in the question stem that the blank should be filled with a defect of the bus, plus the corresponding was, so the answer is late.

Answer to question 7: eventing

I supply I mainly use the bus during the day, but any time I've been in town in the evening  – for dinner or at the cinema – I’ve noticed you have to wait a long time for a bus

Answer analysis: Similar to the previous question, the empty space should be filled with a disadvantage of the bus. The freqency corresponds to wait a long time, so the answer is "eventing".

Answer to question 8: supermarket

Well, I have got a car but I don't use it that often Mainly just to go to the  supermarket.

Answer analysis: It can be inferred from the question stem that a place should be filled in the blank. Although the recording also mentioned the golf club, it was the place her husband often drove to, not her, so it was determined that the supermarket in front was the correct answer.

Answer to question 9: poll

Corresponding original text: I'm not kept on cycling there because of all the pollution

Answer analysis: This question is relatively simple. According to the reason of, the answer can be determined as polling.

Answer to question 10: storage

I live in a flat – on the second floor and it doesn't have any  storage 

Answer analysis: the unprecedented word a lack of on the stem corresponds to doesn't have. According to the modifier relationship, the answer is storage.

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Cambridge IELTS 18Test1Part1 Analysis of Listening Answers Transport Survey: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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