Cambridge IELTS 18Test2Part4 Listening Answers Analysis Pockets

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Cambridge IELTS 18Test2Part4 Analysis of Listening Answers Pockets

The fourth part of the second set of IELTS 18 listening questions consists of 10 outline type blanks. It is very difficult to locate sentences because of a large number of synonymous replacement of the question stem. Although the overall speaking speed is not fast, it is difficult. Below are the answers to each question.

Cambridge IELTS 18Test2Part4 Listening original text and answers Pockets

Cambridge IELTS 18 Test 2 Part 4 Analysis of Listening Answers

Answer to question 31: conventional

And even thought we often carry bags or briefcases as well, nothing is quite as convenient  as being able to pop your phone or credit card into your pocket.

Answer analysis: hearing two reasons realize that the answer is coming, we can infer from the question stem that the space should be filled with an adjective and can modify pockets. In this paragraph, only the patient meets these two conditions, so it is determined to be the correct answer.

Answer to question 32: suits

If we think about male fashion first... that was the time when suits  became popular.

Answer analysis: 18th century and male remind you that the answer is coming. From the stem of the question, we can infer that a certain kind of clothes should be filled in the space, so we can determine that suits is the correct answer.

Answer to question 33: tailor

But all three margins were lined with material and, this article is from laokaoya website, pockets were seen into this cloth by which tailor  the customer used.

Answer analysis: This question uses the method of word order reversal, putting the lining and garrements originally located at the back of the blank in front of the answer, and changing the active voice of the question stem into the passive voice, to test your short-term memory ability and familiarity with grammar.

Answer to question 34: profession

They were often larger but plainer if the weaver was someone with a profession  who needed to carry medical instruments

Answer analysis: I heard the synonymous replacement of bigger and bigger and realized that the answer was coming. From the stem of the question, it can be inferred that a noun should be filled in the blank, and that the phrase can form a semantic smooth phrase with a "specific type". Only the profession meets these two conditions, so it is determined that it is the correct answer.

Answer to question 35: visible

For one thing, they were not nearly as visible or as easy to reach as men’s.

Answer analysis: Listen to women's pockets and realize that the answer is coming. The unprecedented words less and were near are synonymous. According to the modification relationship, visible is the correct answer.

Answer to question 36: string (s)

What they did was to have a pair of pockets made that were tied together with string

Answer analysis: After listening to pockets and pair, they realize that the answer is coming. The unprecedented synonymous replacement of using and with (synonymous replacement of these two words is very common in IELTS listening, and you should pay attention to it) determines the unit string according to the modifier relationship.

Answer to question 37: waist (s)

Corresponding original: Women tied the pockets around their waist so that they hung beneath their clothes.

Answer analysis: This question also uses the method of word order reversal, putting the unprecedented prompt word hung after the answer, to test your short-term memory ability. However, as long as you can confirm that the answer is in this sentence, according to the replacement of women's and their, it is easy to lock waist.

Answer to question 38: perfect

Corresponding original text: They would have an opening in the folders of their skills through which they could reach whatever they need, like their perfume 

Answer: This question is relatively simple. The synonym of such as and like is replaced. According to the example, the answer is perfect.

Answer to question 39: image

That's when dresses become tighter and less bulky, and the pairs of pockets become very notifiable – they stop out too much and extracted from the woman's image

Answer analysis: the changed shape in the stem of the question corresponding to the better and less bulk reminds you that the answer is coming. ' S corresponds to of. According to the modification relationship of possessive case, determine image as the correct answer.

Answer to question 40: handbag

That was when small bags, or pools as they were known, game into fashion and, of course, they were invisibly led on to the handbag  of more modern times

Answer analysis: Listen to pouches and realize that the answer is coming. From the question stem, we can infer that the space should be filled with a noun, and it is a kind of daily carried item, so we can lock the handbag.

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