Current location: home page > All logs released in August 2018
  • Corporal punishment

    Corporal punishment Today, we are going to study corporal punishment in lower education in the article of IELTS Writing Ideas. Corporal punishment was very common in China more than a decade ago, and even now it is still popular in some places. Corporal punishment mainly occurs at home and school. Parents and teachers regard this as a normal response after children make mistakes. Some of them believe in filial piety under sticks, and some believe that beating is to kiss or scold

  • Is there any particular article for IELTS reading?

    Is there any particular article for IELTS reading? There are a total of three articles in the IELTS Reading Test. The topics discussed in each article may be different, and the topic range is large. The knowledge and professional words involved in various fields may be a challenge for roast ducks. So, the question is, which article is better to do first in IELTS reading? Usually, the first time you take an IELTS exam, you will have an intuition, that is, every

  • IELTS Training Writing Letter Guide

    IELTS Training Writing Letter Guide Today, we are going to talk about the writing task 1 for the IELTS training class (also known as the IELTS writing test G or the IELTS writing test for immigrants) In class G essay, you need to answer a letter to a given situation, explain the situation or obtain relevant information. In this part, you have 20 minutes to complete about 150 words of letters. The letters may be in private form, semi formal articles from the old roast duck IELTS or just

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