Teaching children together or separately

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Teaching children together or separately

This question appeared for the first time in the IELTS test on May 7, 2016, asking everyone to discuss whether children with different abilities should be educated together or treated separately. The former can create a catch-up atmosphere, while the latter can adjust the teaching schedule according to the specific needs of children.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

Some people think teaching children of different abilities together benefits everyone. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and give special treatment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that putting children with different abilities together will benefit everyone. Others believe that smart children should be treated specially and taught independently. Discuss the views of both sides and give your own opinion.

IELTS Writing Education 7-point Model

In the field of education, there is an ongoing debate regarding the most effective approach to teaching children with different abilities. Some argue that it is beneficial to teach them together, while others believe that intelligent children should receive special treatment and be taught separately. In this essay, both perspectives will be examined before reaching a conclusion.

In the field of education, there is a long-term debate: which teaching method is the best for children with different abilities? Some people believe that mixing children with different abilities in class can benefit everyone, but others believe that smart children should be educated separately and given special treatment. This paper will discuss these two views and draw conclusions.

On one hand, proponents of teaching children of different abilities together argue that it fosters a sense of community and mutual respect among students. By exposing children to a diverse range of abilities and learning styles, students can learn from one another and develop empathy and understanding for those who are different from themselves. Additionally, teaching children of different abilities together can help prevent high-achieving students from developing an elitist attitude, which might make them feel superior to their peers.

On the one hand, those who support mixing children with different abilities in class believe that this method can cultivate students' sense of community and mutual respect. By exposing children to different abilities and learning styles, students can learn from each other and increase sympathy and understanding, especially for those who are different from them. In addition, mixing children with different abilities in class can help prevent high achievers from feeling superior, and they may feel better than their peers.

On the other hand, advocates of teaching intelligent children separately argue that it is necessary to challenge and nurture the unique abilities of gifted students. This article is from laokaoya website. By creating a more challenging and stimulating learning environment for intelligent children, educators can help them reach their full potential and develop their talents to the fullest extent possible. Additionally, teaching intelligent children separately can prevent them from becoming bored and disengaged in a classroom setting, which can negatively affect their learning and emotional well-being.

On the other hand, those who support the separate education of smart children believe that this method can challenge and cultivate the unique abilities of gifted children. By creating a more challenging and stimulating learning environment for smart children, educators can help them to maximize their potential and talent. In addition, educating smart children separately can also prevent them from being bored and losing interest in the classroom environment, which may have a negative impact on their learning and emotions.

In my opinion, while there are valid arguments on both sides, I believe that teaching children of different abilities together ultimately benefits everyone. By creating a diverse learning environment that promotes mutual respect and understanding, all students can benefit from exposure to a range of abilities and learning styles. However, it is essential that teachers receive the necessary training and resources to differentiate instruction and provide appropriate support to students of varying abilities.

I think that although both sides have some reasonable views, it is beneficial for everyone to mix children with different abilities in class. By creating a diverse learning environment and promoting mutual respect and understanding, all students can benefit from exposure to different abilities and learning styles. However, teachers must have the necessary training and resources to distinguish teaching and provide appropriate support for students with different abilities.

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Teaching children together or separately!


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