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Whether charity should help people in their own country […]

Who charity should help people in their own country

This question appeared for the first time in the IELTS test on August 20, 2016, and asked everyone to discuss whether charitable organizations should help the local people or the people most in need. The logic of the former is very simple. Charity organizations' funds come from their own citizens, and naturally they should take their own citizens as the first; The latter also has its own basis - people on the verge of death must need help more than others.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

Some people think charity organizations should help people in great need wherever they live. However, others think they should help people in their own country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that charities should help those who need help most, no matter where they are. Others think they should help people in their own country. Discuss the views of both sides and give your own opinion.

7-point model essay on IELTS writing globalization

Charity organizations are established to provide assistance to people who are in great need, regardless of where they live. However, some individuals argue that these organizations should prioritize helping people in their own country rather than extending aid overseas. In this essay, I will examine both perspectives and give my opinion.

The purpose of charitable organizations is to help people in need, no matter where they live. However, some people believe that these organizations should give priority to helping their own people rather than providing assistance overseas. In this article, I will explore two views and express my own views.

On the one hand, there are valid reasons why charity organizations should help people in their own country. Firstly, charity begins at home, and therefore, it is logical to provide assistance to individuals in one’s own country before extending aid to other nations. Moreover, by helping those in need within their country, charity organizations can promote a sense of community spirit and foster patriotism among citizens. Additionally, some people may argue that by helping those within their country, they can have a more significant impact on their local community and promote the growth and development of their nation.

On the one hand, there are good reasons to support charitable organizations to help local people. First of all, charity starts from home. Therefore, it is reasonable to provide help to people in your own country before providing assistance to other countries. In addition, by helping people in need in China, charitable organizations can promote community spirit and foster national pride. Third, some people may think that by helping their own people, they can have a greater impact on local communities and promote national growth and development.

On the other hand, some people contend that charity organizations should help people in great need wherever they live. Firstly, it is a humanitarian duty to provide aid to those who are suffering, regardless of their location. This article is from laokaoya website. Furthermore, some countries may not have the resources or capacity to help their citizens adequately, and therefore, international aid may be the only option for some individuals. Additionally, by extending aid to other countries, charity organizations can promote international cooperation and goodwill.

On the other hand, some people believe that charitable organizations should help people in need anywhere. First, providing assistance is a humanitarian duty, no matter where they live. In addition, some countries may not have enough resources or capacity to fully help their citizens, so international assistance may be the only option for some people. Finally, by providing assistance to other countries, charitable organizations can promote international cooperation and friendly relations.

In my opinion, while helping those in one’s own country is important, it is also crucial to recognize that some individuals around the world may require urgent assistance. Therefore, charity organizations should allocate their resources and efforts based on the severity of the situation and the level of need.

In my opinion, although it is important to help our own people, we must also recognize that some people in the world may need emergency assistance. Therefore, charitable organizations should allocate their resources and energy according to the severity and needs of the situation.

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Who charity should help people in their own country!


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