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International tourism is a bad thing for their countries

This IELTS Writing The essay asks you to discuss the reasons for people's opposition to international tourism and how to change this attitude, which can be regarded as a deformation of report topics. In terms of reasons, we can focus on describing tourists' damage to local environment and customs, while in terms of measures, we can emphasize the benefits brought by tourism.

Title of IELTS Writing Composition

Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their countries. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to change this negative attitude towards international tourism?

IELTS Writing 7-point Model

Opening paragraph

Many individuals think that foreign tourism brings negative effects to their countries. There are several reasons for such a negative attitude towards international travellers. However, a couple of solutions could be adopted to handle this situation, as will now be discussed.

Many people believe that foreign tourists have a negative impact on their country. There are many reasons for this negative attitude. However, we can take some measures to address this situation.

Impact on environment

International tourists are often criticized for their contribution to environmental degradation. It has continuously been noticed that they throw rubbish in their surroundings irresponsibly, which increases the amount of litter everywhere, despite all attempts to reduce waste produced by the local community. This contributes to water, air and soil contamination.

National tourists are often criticized for damaging the environment. They will throw rubbish irresponsibly. Although local communities try their best to reduce waste output, the amount of garbage will increase, causing water, air and soil pollution.

Influence on customs

Furthermore, foreign tourism has a harmful influence on traditional customs and indigenous practices of host countries because many tourists are careless and insensitive about the emotions and feelings of local residents. For instance, in India, some foreign travellers wear inappropriate clothes or expose too much of skin when they visit sacred places, which leads to some negative attitudes and irritation in the local public.

In addition, foreign tourists also have a negative impact on the traditional customs and habits of the host country, because many tourists do not care about the feelings of local residents. For example, in India, some foreign tourists will wear inappropriate clothes or expose too much skin when visiting sacred places. This caused resentment among local residents.

terms of settlement

However, this situation can be improved by adopting different solutions. The government should explain the benefits of international tourism which contributes to the development of local residents. This article is translated by Laokaoya webiste. They not only spend money in shops and restaurants but also create jobs in service industries, and this aspect could be publicized. Additionally, the government should increase the awareness among foreigners through different media such as roadside billboards and advertisements, and tourists should be encouraged to get rid of rubbish correctly.

However, this situation can be improved by taking different measures. The government should explain the benefits of international tourism for local development. They not only consume in shops and restaurants, but also create jobs in the service industry. This aspect should be publicized. Secondly, the government should raise the awareness of foreigners through different media, such as roadside signs and advertisements, and tourists should also be encouraged not to litter.


In conclusion, the inhospitable feeling that the local people have for international tourists can be explained in many ways. However, in my opinion, the government’s involvement is essential to change the negative attitude by citing various advantages of international tourism to their country and raising awareness among tourists in order to protect local habitats.

In general, the attitude of local people not welcoming foreign tourists can be explained in many ways. However, in my opinion, the participation of the government is essential to change this negative attitude. It can do this by publicizing the benefits that international tourism brings to its own country, as well as promoting tourists' awareness to protect local customs.

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  1. 0F
    Little shepherd boy

    The old roast duck is dry. I read several articles and couldn't help but send a comment :?:

    2022-05-13 13:32 [Reply]


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