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Letter case conversion

Introduction to Letter Case Conversion Tool

The letter case conversion tool can convert all input English letters into uppercase or lowercase letters

Letter case conversion function on program

  • 1. PHP: strtolower ($str) string is converted to lower case, and strtoupper ($str) string is converted to upper case; Ucfirst ($str) converts the first character to uppercase, and ucwords ($str) converts the first letter of each word to uppercase.
  • 2. JavaScript: toLowerCase() returns a string in which all alphabetic characters are converted to lowercase; ToUpperCase () returns a string in which all alphabetic characters are converted to uppercase.
  • 3. Python: capitalize() changes the first letter of the string to uppercase, and other letters to lowercase; The upper() method converts lowercase letters in the string to uppercase letters; The lower() method converts all uppercase characters in the string to lowercase characters; The title () method returns a "captioned" string, which means that all words start with uppercase and the rest of letters are lowercase.
  • 4. ASP: LCase (s) from uppercase to lowercase, UCase (s) from lowercase to uppercase.