Four kinds of melons for summer health

07:40, May 22, 2015    Zhongshe   Collect this article      

In summer, people are in the heat. Due to excessive sweating, nutrients such as sodium salt are lost; In addition, sleep is reduced, people's appetite is reduced, their digestion ability is weak, and their spirit is weak. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to diet regimen in summer.

Best summer food: watermelon

Watermelon is sweet and cold in nature. It contains sugar, minerals and various vitamins. It has the functions of relieving heat, quenching thirst and diuresis.

Diet and health care: decoction and take more watermelon juice or watermelon skin to cure acute and chronic nephritis and liver disease ascites 9 grams of watermelon green clothes (namely watermelon skin) and 9 grams of cassia seed each. It can be cured by decocting soup instead of drinking tea hypertension

   Sweet after bitter: bitter gourd

Eating bitter gourd often has the function of clearing heart and eyes, clearing heat and detoxifying.

Diet: Pectin insulin contained in balsam pear has the effect of reducing blood sugar and fat, especially suitable for those who drink and eat more diabetes Patients, balsam pear salad is the best choice in summer. Balsam pear pulp is mashed and applied externally, which can cure fire Scald

   Dragging vines and hanging vines: loofah

Luffa is a homely dish in summer, which is rich in vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals.

Diet Regimen: Elderly chronic bronchitis Those with cough can use sugared loofah as food; have a fever Luffa is helpful to reduce fever and quench thirst; Fresh towel gourd mashed and applied to the affected part can cure boils and swelling.

  Giant among melons: winter melon

Wax gourd is sweet and slightly cold in nature. People in Nanjing often boil it with ham and kelp to make delicious soup.

Diet regimen: mash fresh winter melon and wring juice, and drink more to cure heatstroke and thirst; 120-180 grams of fresh wax gourd skin can be boiled in thick soup for drinking, 2-3 times a day, which can cure kidney disease heart disease and cirrhosis Ascites; 15 grams of wax gourd seeds, add proper amount of brown sugar, mash it and take it with boiling water. It can cure cough and phlegm twice a day.

Article keywords: summer watermelon Balsam pear Winter melon Towel gourd

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