What is it about suddenly growing white hair

08:03, May 25, 2015    Beijing News   Collect this article      

With the growth of age, the hair gradually changes from black to white, which is a natural physiological process, but it is not difficult to find that many people now appear when they are young Hoary hair , accompanied by lifelong. What is the cause of young bald? Is it a normal physiological reaction or a symptom of a disease? Experts told reporters that the formation of less white head is mostly related to genetic factors, and may also be a symptom of some diseases. At present, there is no effective method for the treatment of oliguria.

  "Less white head" is mostly related to heredity

It is a natural physiological phenomenon that human hair turns white with age, but many people have less white hair when they are young STD Lun Wenhui, the director of the department, explained that there was no specific standard for the age at which people's white hair would gradually increase, which was different from person to person. Some people are very old, but their hair is still dark. This phenomenon also exists.

The phenomenon of less white hair is mostly related to heredity. In addition, mental stress, excessive brain use and other factors cause the damage of reactive oxygen free radicals on hair ball melanocytes and mitochondrial DNA, and the number of white hair may increase. But in addition to these individual cases, the general phenomenon of less white head is related to heredity.

  It is normal for normal people to have white hair after 50 years old

Sun Liyun, deputy chief physician of dermatology department of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, also pointed out that under normal circumstances, it is relatively normal for ordinary people to gradually turn white after middle and old age, that is, 50 years old. Many people do have more white hair and appear earlier, mainly due to the following reasons. First, it involves congenital problems. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, "the kidney is in the hair", so if the kidney is full of qi, the hair will be black and shiny, more moist. Premature hair whitening may be related to insufficient kidney qi.

Secondly, "hair is more than blood", that is, when the blood is sufficient, the hair will be better, because the blood can nourish the hair at this time. Some people work under too much pressure, use their brains too much and think too much. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, this will consume blood, make their hair not easy to moisturize and shine, and increase their white hair. In addition, many people tend to get angry in a hurry, which is the embodiment of the exuberance of the heart, and will burn the blood. The liver has the function of storing blood. Anger hurts the liver, which will also make the liver blood unable to nourish the hair. The hair will naturally wither, and white hair will also increase.

It can't be ignored that many people now iron and dye their hair for beauty and artificially change the color and shape of hair, which will also cause direct damage to the hair, thus increasing the possibility of white hair alopecia

  At present, there is no effective prevention and improvement method

Can the loss of white hair be prevented? Lun Wenhui said that from the current situation, it is very difficult to prevent less whitehead, because the cause of less whitehead is not particularly clear at present. We only know that it is related to heredity, and only this can be determined.

"Excessive thinking will cause serious damage to hair, so to prevent less white hair, modern people's lifestyle will have to change, too much work pressure, too late to sleep, too much nightlife, and so on, which are undesirable habits. People should follow the natural law, avoid being overloaded, and pay attention to relax. In addition, women should pay attention to properly supplement some more nourishing and blood producing foods, such as jujube, black sesame, etc., "Sun Liyun told reporters.

Lun Wenhui further explained that there is no particularly effective way to improve the phenomenon of less white head at present. Patients should pay attention to relieving their mental pressure, and at the same time, they should carry out appropriate physical exercise. In terms of diet, they should pay attention to strengthening the intake of protein, vitamins and trace elements, and treat other chronic diseases. However, it is difficult to say that this will have a significant effect on improving less white head.

  ■ Special tips

Sudden local white hair or symptoms of some diseases

Some people pointed out that the lack of white hair or the sudden appearance of local white hair can be a sign of some diseases, "it is possible. The sudden appearance of white hair, clinically speaking, may be a sign of some diseases, but as for the specific disease, it is not sure", Lun Wenhui told reporters to rule out such diseases as premature aging Vitiligo , mottle disease and some disease syndromes, but this is not absolute. Sometimes the sudden appearance of white hair can be a sign of tumor, such as degenerative Melanoma But the probability of this happening is very small.

Sun Liyun explained that the lack of white hair in a few people is indeed a symptom of some diseases, but this does not mean that all of them are related to some diseases. Many people's lack of white hair is related to genetic and other congenital factors. "From the clinical point of view, we have not found too many links between whitehead and disease," Sun Liyun told reporters.

  ■ Clarification of rumors

There is no scientific basis for "pulling out one white hair and growing ten"

Q Is it believable that people can't pull out white hair because ten hairs grow out of one hair?

Lun Wenhui: There is no scientific basis for this statement.

Sun Liyun: Pulling out white hair is not a desirable way to reduce the number of white hair. It is not clear whether white hair should be pulled out or not. Human hair will fall off normally, that is, about 100 hairs a day is relatively normal, and new hair will grow at the same time, which is a normal metabolic activity of the human body. There is no scientific basis for the claim that pulling out one root and growing ten roots is not credible.

   "Black food helps black hair" is not effective for everyone

Q Some people say that eating more black food will help to reduce white hair, thus making hair black. Is there any scientific basis for this statement?

Lun Wenhui: Eating more black food may improve the phenomenon of less white head, because the trace elements and some substances contained in it can improve blood circulation, reduce the damage to hair globule melanocytes caused by oxidative emergencies, and promote the nutritional status of their scalp hair. It is indeed possible to delay and improve the phenomenon of less white head to a certain extent, but it is necessary to remind the public that, This kind of improvement also varies from person to person. It can really play a preventive role, but this method is not effective for everyone.

Sun Liyun: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it belongs to the analogy method of "shape governs shape, color governs color". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney governs black, and black food can replenish kidney water, including black beans, black sesame, black rice, black jujube, etc., which has a certain effect on improving the white head. However, it should be noted that citizens should pay attention to the proper amount of these foods when eating them, for example, once a week or twice. Once excessive, it is easy to cause arson.

Q Why is white hair usually found in the inner layer of the hair when it first appears, but later it will be found on the surface of the hair?

Sun Liyun: The white hair is more and more concentrated on the surface of the hair, which may be the process of the white hair gradually increasing from less to more, and is mainly reflected in women. When the white hair of women is less, it is sparsely mixed in the long hair, which is not obvious, and when the white hair is more, the appearance is obvious; While men's hair is generally short, it can be seen that the distribution of white hair is relatively uniform after it appears.

Collected by this page/Zhang Xiulan, reporter of Beijing News


Article keywords: Hair Hoary hair disease

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