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Homebrew is a software package management tool on the Mac OS platform, with many practical functions such as installation, uninstallation, update, view, search, etc. With a simple command, package management can be realized without caring about various dependencies and file paths, which is very convenient and fast.
three hundred and fourteen
Discourse open source forum system is a new open source forum project launched by Jeff Atwood, the co-founder of Stack Overflow. Its purpose is to change the forum software that has not changed for ten years. It abandons the topic discussion form of traditional forums, has a self-learning system, and the full Web application is applicable to both desktop and mobile terminals. Developed based on Ruby on Rails and Ember.js, the database uses PostgreSQL and Redis.
four hundred and seventy-seven
Mastodon (mastodon) looks like Twitter, but in fact it is not a plug-in of Twitter, but a social networking server software in the free software industry. It was developed by Eugene Rochko, a 24-year-old German. This name comes from the heavy metal band of the same name that Rochko likes. Similar to Twitter, users can send "messages" (mastodon terms are called toots, meaning short, sharp beeps from speakers) and follow others.
2024/03/11 View diagram
two hundred and fifty-three
Mastodon (mastodon) looks like Twitter, but in fact it is not a plug-in of Twitter, but a social networking server software in the free software industry. It was developed by Eugene Rochko, a 24-year-old German. This name comes from the heavy metal band of the same name that Rochko likes. Similar to Twitter, users can send "messages" (mastodon terms are called toots, meaning short, sharp beeps from speakers) and follow others. Unlike Twitter
2024/03/11 View diagram
three thousand two hundred and fifty-three
Puma is a Ruby Web server built for concurrency. Puma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications. It is only applicable to running Rack applications.
four hundred and sixty-five
Puma is a Ruby Web server built for concurrency. Puma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications. It is only applicable to running Rack applications. Puma is designed to improve speed and concurrency. Puma uses the C optimized Ragel extension (inherited from Mongrel) to process requests. This extension provides fast and accurate HTTP 1.1 protocol parsing in a portable way. Puma then uses the thread pool to process the request. Each request is in a separate thread
five hundred and thirty-nine
Homebrew is a software package management tool on the Mac OS platform, with many practical functions such as installation, uninstallation, update, view, search, etc. With a simple command, package management can be realized without caring about various dependencies and file paths, which is very convenient and fast.
five hundred and ninety-three
Discourse open source forum system is a new open source forum project launched by Jeff Atwood, the co-founder of Stack Overflow. Its purpose is to change the forum software that has not changed for ten years. It abandons the topic discussion form of traditional forums, has a self-learning system, and the full Web application is applicable to both desktop and mobile terminals. Developed based on Ruby on Rails and Ember.js, the database uses PostgreSQL and Redis. Discourse does not support IE9
two thousand and forty-three
Puma is a Ruby Web server built for concurrency. Puma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications. It is only applicable to running Rack applications.
three hundred and eighty-six
Ruby is a scripting language created for simple and fast object-oriented programming (object-oriented programming). It was developed by Japanese Matsumoto (ma つとゆきひろろ, English translation: Yukihiro Matsumoto, nickname matz) and complies with the GPL protocol and the Ruby License. The author of Ruby believes that Ruby>(Smalltalk+Perl)/2 means that Ruby is a programming language whose syntax is completely object-oriented like Smalltalk, script execution, and Perl's powerful word processing function
six thousand two hundred and seventeen
Redmine project management is an open source, web-based project management and defect tracking tool. It uses calendars and Gantt charts to assist in visualizing projects and progress. It also supports multi project management. Redmine is a free and open source software solution that provides integrated project management functions, problem tracking, and support for multiple version control options.
five hundred and seventy-nine
Redmine project management is an open source, web-based project management and defect tracking tool. It uses calendars and Gantt charts to assist in visualizing projects and progress. It also supports multi project management. Redmine is a free and open source software solution that provides integrated project management functions, problem tracking, and support for multiple version control options.
six hundred and nine
Ruby is a cross platform, object-oriented, dynamically typed programming language. Ruby embodies the consistency and simplicity of expression. It is not only a programming language, but also a concise way to express ideas.
three thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight
Redmine is an open source, web-based project management and defect tracking tool. It uses calendars and Gantt charts to assist in visualizing projects and progress. It also supports multi project management. Redmine is a free and open source software solution that provides integrated project management functions, problem tracking, and support for multiple version control options. Although IBM Rational Team Concert's commercial project survey tool is very powerful, if you want to stick to a free and open source solution, you may find that Redmine is a
2021/05/20 Redmine
two thousand two hundred and forty-one
Jekyll is a simple free blog generation tool, similar to WordPress. But it is very different from WordPress because jekyll is just a tool for generating static web pages, and does not need database support. However, it can cooperate with third-party services, such as discoz. The key is that jekyll can be deployed on Github for free and can bind its own domain name.
2019/08/08 View diagram
one thousand six hundred and forty-two
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