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Django framework is an open source model view controller (MVC) style web application framework driven by Python programming language. With Django, we can create high-quality, easy to maintain, database driven applications in a few minutes.
one hundred and thirty-seven
Angular JS (Angular. JS) is a set of frameworks, templates, data binding and rich UI components used to develop Web pages. It supports the entire development process and provides the architecture of web applications without manual DOM operations. AngularJS is very small, only 60K, compatible with mainstream browsers, and works well with jQuery.
one hundred and thirteen
Rose is based on Spring Boot 2 and Spring Cloud Finchley SR2 is committed to a complete set of distributed and service-oriented solutions. Rose has an efficient development experience, provides reliable message final consistency distributed transaction solutions, provides call chain based service governance, provides reliable service exception location solutions (Log+Trace), and so on. A distributed framework not only needs to build an efficient and stable underlying development framework, It is more necessary to solve the challenges brought by distribution.
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Unirest is a lightweight HTTP request library, covering Node, Ruby, Java, PHP, Python, Objective-C NET and other languages. You can initiate GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS requests.
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Taro framework is a set of unified multi terminal development framework that follows the React syntax specification created by JD Concave Lab. Nowadays, there are various forms of the upper end of the market. Web, App (React Native), WeChat applet and other terminals are popular. When business requirements are expressed at different ends at the same time, the cost of writing multiple sets of code for different ends is obviously very high. At this time, the ability to write only one set of code to adapt to multiple ends is extremely necessary. With Taro, we can write only one set of code, and then compile the source code to run on different ends (WeChat applet, H5, App, etc.) through Taro's compiler.
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Electron is a cross platform desktop framework based on Web technology, also called GUI program.
2024/04/09 View diagram
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React Suite (rsuite) is a set of React component library, which is produced for background products. It is also a UI framework with considerate design and developer friendly. Supported platforms: React Suite supports the latest and stable versions of all mainstream browsers and platforms. Starting from React Suite 3, versions below IE9 (including IE9) are not supported. It is not recommended to use it on the mobile end. React Suite supports server rendering and building applications through Next.js. Supported
seven hundred and fifty-three
Smart socket is a domestic open source Java AIO communication framework, which supports TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS, and pursues the perfection of code volume, performance, stability, and interface design. If smart socket is of any help to you, please Star check our project and continue to pay attention; If you are not satisfied with smart socket, please be more patient. Smart socket has been trying to become better.
one hundred and fifty
The asp. net rapid development framework (eFrameWork) (hereinafter referred to as the framework) is the accumulation of more than ten years of development experience of the E guest development team (EKETEAM hereinafter referred to as e guest), which has been continuously optimized and improved through many projects and customer opinions and suggestions. The framework is mainly used for the development of application systems and websites based on B/S architecture. It does not have sophisticated technology. Everything is designed from the perspective of improving development efficiency and reducing development threshold.
2024/04/02 E customer development team View diagram
fourteen thousand nine hundred and four
Avue.js is a secondary encapsulation based on the existing element ui library, which simplifies some tedious operations. Its core concept is data-driven view. The main component library aims at the table and form scenarios, and derives more commonly used components for enterprises to achieve a highly reusable, easy to maintain and expand framework. At the same time, it has built-in data display components that are rich, Make development easier. Browser compatibility supports all ES5 compliant browsers (IE8 and below are not supported).
two hundred and sixty-eight
Avue.js is a secondary encapsulation based on the existing element ui library, which simplifies some tedious operations. Its core concept is data-driven view. The main component library aims at the table and form scenarios, and derives more commonly used components for enterprises to achieve a highly reusable, easy to maintain and expand framework. At the same time, it has built-in data display components that are rich, Make development easier. Browser compatibility supports all ES5 compliant browsers (IE8 and below are not supported).
one thousand and thirty
GF (Go Frame) is a modular, high-performance, production level Go basic development framework. It has realized relatively complete infrastructure construction and development tool chain, and provided common basic development modules, such as cache, log, queue, array, collection, container, timer, command line, memory lock, object pool, configuration management, resource management, data verification, data coding, timing task, database ORM, TCP/UDP components Process management/communication, etc. It also provides a series of core components for Web service development, such as Router, Cookie, Session, Middleware, service registration, template engine, etc. It supports hot restart, hot update, domain name binding, TLS/HTTPS, Rewrite, and other features.
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The acl framework library is a C library, which mainly includes: server development framework, synchronous/asynchronous network communication, common data structures, process pool/thread pool, streaming xml/json parser, http/ping application protocol, etc. ACL includes the following rich common function libraries: 1. Common network application libraries: SMTP client library/PING library/memcache client library/handlersocket client library/beanstalk client library 2. HTTP network library: HTTP client/service
2024/03/29 View diagram
eight hundred and fifty-six
The permission management system is a RBAC permission management system based on Spring Cloud Hoxton, Spring Boot 2.3 and OAuth2. At the same time, it also encapsulates element ui based on the concept of data-driven view, so that you can get started quickly even without using vue. Software function: provide Docker, Kubernetes, and Rancher2 support for common containerization, provide lambda, stream api, and webflux production practice updates
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The sqltoy orm framework system is an orm framework that is more suitable for the project than hibernate+myBatis. It has the convenience of hibernate addition, deletion and modification, and also has more flexible and elegant user-defined sql query functions than myBatis. Sqltoy orm supports the following databases: oracle from oracle 11g to 19cdb2 9.5+. It is recommended that MySQL support 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 versions of postgresql from 10.5 to 9.5 and above
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