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ZblogPHP article calls to specify custom multiple selection fields

In the ZblogPHP theme function design, some modules need to call the articles specified by the webmaster, such as CMS theme, theme sidebar module, recommended article module, etc. The common practice in the theme configuration is to set the article ID number to be displayed, and separate multiple articles with English commas. Although this method can achieve the effect, it is not flexible enough to operate, You need to query the article ID number. So today I wrote another method, which we can try if we think it is appropriate. 1. Mount the article editing page interface Add in include.php

stay zblogphp theme function Design Some modules need to call the articles specified by the webmaster, such as CMS topic, topic sidebar module, recommendation article module, etc. The common practice in topic configuration is to set the article ID number to be displayed, and separate multiple articles with small commas in English. Although this method can achieve the effect, it is still not flexible enough to operate, so you need to query the article ID number. So today I wrote another method, which we can try if we think it is appropriate.

 ZblogPHP article calls to specify custom multiple selection fields Figure 1

1. Mount the article editing page interface in include.php


2. Add the interface configuration field in include.php

 function umWm_postType() {  global $zbp, $article;  if($article->Type=="0"){ $postType='Join the first promotion | Join the selection ';  $array=explode('|',$postType);  foreach ($array as $v) {   echo '   <input type="hidden"  name="meta_'.$v.'" value=""/>   <label>   <input type=" checkbox "name="meta_'.$ v.'" value="'. html specialchars($v).' " ';   if ($article->Metas->$v == $v){echo 'checked="checked"';}   echo ' class="'.$v.'" />&nbsp;'.$ v.'</label><br />';  }  } }

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Link to this article: https://www.umtheme.com/zblog/197.html

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Zblog website establishment 2022.10.16 zero three thousand
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 Xinghua Life
It's just useful, look
2023-12-09 23:20:37 reply
 have a look
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 Grey Wolf
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