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Pork is expensive, but it is more profitable to raise stations in batches than to raise pork. How does a stationmaster make money lying down

I believe that the realization of websites is one of the purposes of most webmasters, especially grassroots or individual webmasters, who have always insisted on building websites and operating websites. In today's Internet era, there are still many projects that make money online, but ordinary people have not found them. Even if they do, they may not have to look at them or have no patience, so they can't insist and give up halfway. What Xiaobian wants to share with you is to realize cash flow by maintaining stations in batches and selling website friendship links. It is to change the domain name of the website from a new domain name to an old domain name for a certain period of time

In the Internet era, there are still a lot of online money making projects, but ordinary people have not found them. Even if they found them, you may not have to look at them or have no patience. They can't insist and give up halfway. Of course, there are also some projects that novices can't operate. What Xiaobian wants to share with you is to realize cash flow by maintaining stations in batches and selling website friendship links.

 Pork is expensive, but it is more profitable to raise stations in batches than to raise pork. How can webmasters make money lying down? Friendship link distribution platform, friendship link trading platform, website ranking, operation station, group friend chain trading website, and beautiful theme to raise stations? Figure 1

We should not underestimate the income from the sale of friendship links on a website. For some websites with high weight, the monthly rent of friendship links can vary from hundreds of dollars. As long as a large number of people buy them, the monthly income can reach thousands or tens of thousands. The webmaster of a website only needs to add a friendship link once, and regularly check whether the buyer has renewed, and delete those without renewal. If the bridge is built in the early stage, you can make money in the later stage and realize stable income.

For example, let's take a look at the following examples. I randomly found websites with a weight of 4. The price of friendship links ranges from tens to hundreds of yuan per month, one of which is 399 yuan per month, and the number of trading/exporting friendship links is dozens. It is estimated that the monthly income is more than 10000 yuan, so there are still many webmasters who earn tens of thousands of yuan per month by selling online friendship links.

 Pork is expensive, but it is more profitable to raise stations in batches than to raise pork. How can webmasters make money lying down? Friendship link distribution platform, friendship link trading platform, website ranking, operation station, group friend chain trading website, and beautiful theme to raise stations? Figure 2

What is a nursing station

Maintaining a website means operating one or more websites and putting them online in advance. The website content should be updated regularly and quantitatively. Within a certain period of time, the domain name of the website should be changed from a new domain name to an old domain name with a certain period of time Search Engines The collection volume has increased to a certain extent, so that the website can gain some website weight, and even change pr from 0 to a natural number other than 0, so that the website can no longer be regarded as a new station when it is officially operated, and build a good foundation for early operation.

What's the use of friendship links

1. Increase the weight of the website

Friendly links are one of the sources of website weight. There is no doubt that every webmaster knows this. Friendly links increase the entrance of spiders. If you do a good job of friendship links, you can drive your website to include and improve website weight through friendship links.

2. Increase website traffic and reduce website hop rate

increase Website traffic A website with a high weight is usually operated for many years. Because the overall quality of the website is excellent and the ranking of the search engine is good, the traffic is naturally huge, so whether you exchange links with such websites or buy a single link of their website, there will be a certain amount of traffic to come to your website, If a popular website makes a friendly link, it will definitely bring a lot of traffic to your website every day;

To reduce the bounce rate of a website, as most old webmasters know, the higher the bounce rate of a website, the greater the harm to the website. When users enter the home page of your website and do not find valuable information from the head of the page to the bottom of the page, they usually close the page and enter other websites, which will increase the bounce rate of the website. However, if the user enters another website through your friendship link, it will reduce the bounce rate of your website, because as long as the user enters the website and clicks on any link to reach another page, it will reduce the bounce rate of the website, increase the pv of the website, and the website with less bounce rate will be more recognized by search engines.

How to build a website

After we understand what is the role of maintenance stations and friendship links, let's talk about how to simply build some websites to sell friend chains to make money

1. Register a domain name to purchase a space or server

The cost of purchasing a space or VPS virtual machine and a website domain name is not very high. Note that domestic space servers can only be used after the domain name is filed. If the domain name is not filed, Hong Kong or overseas space servers can be used;

2. Select website program and template

Now there are many open source website systems, such as z-blog, dedecms, foreign wp, imperial cms, aspcms and phpcms. I personally recommend zblogphp. At present, the domestic cms system is also popular with more and more users. Its main features are light, simple and clear background operation, not so bloated, which is conducive to SEO optimization. My own website uses zblogphp system.

Background screenshot of zblogphp system

 Pork is expensive, but it is more profitable to raise stations in batches than to raise pork. How can webmasters make money lying down? Friendship link distribution platform, friendship link trading platform, website ranking, operation station, group friend chain trading website, and beautiful theme to raise stations? Figure 3

Choose one of the above website building programs to download and then upload and install. Of course, generally speaking, these website building programs are initial programs, and the default template is not necessarily beautiful, which is in line with your own mind. Then you can buy the website source code with template you want, and you can visit mine if you need it Beautiful theme Choose from the columns to see if there is a template suitable for you, Beautiful theme It is specialized in developing the high-quality theme of the zblogphp system. At present, it has a large number of users and has received unanimous praise from users.

 Pork is expensive, but it is more profitable to raise stations in batches than to raise pork. How can webmasters make money lying down? Friendship link distribution platform, friendship link trading platform, website ranking, operation station, group friend chain trading website, and beautiful theme to raise stations? Figure 4

What content sources are collected

Collection tools can be available in the application center for free, or you can spend a little money to find someone to customize one on Taobao or other platforms. It is suggested that you can collect news sources for website content, because news content has the characteristics of timely collection, you can collect it and Baidu will soon collect it and release it. Of course, it may be more advantageous to be a regional website news source, Relatively speaking, regional websites are less difficult to compete. Then we should spend a little time to update the content every day, or update some content every week. Basically, the time spent on this website every week can be controlled within 2 hours. Because it is a maintenance station, not officially operated, so we don't need to pay too much attention. The key is the accumulation of time. In this process, the collection will slowly come up, and the anti chain will also slowly increase, Then send some external links, exchange or buy some friend links, and gradually there will be natural flow. After the website is well included, you can sell your own website's friend links.

Where to trade friendship links

Friendship link trading platform and Friendship link distribution platform There are many, Baidu search online there are many, such as: A5 platform.

Finally, there is no great difficulty and no need for good technology. Build a website quickly at low cost, collect the content using software, set up the structure of the website and relevant details such as title, keyword and description in the early stage, and use Website ranking The mechanism quickly obtains Baidu's weight, and then sells friendship links to obtain lasting income.


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Link to this article: https://www.umtheme.com/website/154.html

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