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Automatically scale text size according to window size

Reference jquery.min.js and the following JS code to save the following code as fontFlex. js (function ($) {$. fn. fontFlex=function (min, max, mid) {var $this=this& n...

quote Jquery . min.js and the following JS codes

Save the following code as fontFlex. js

 (function($) {     $.fn.fontFlex = function(min, max, mid) {         var $this = this;         $(window).resize(function() {             var size = window.innerWidth / mid;             if (size < min) size = min;             if (size > max) size = max;             $this. css ('font-size', size + 'px');         }).trigger('resize');     }; })( jQuery );

html Application:

 <! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="js/j query .min.js"></script> <script src="js/fontFlex.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     $(function() {$('.text').fontFlex(20, 60, 40);}); 	 </script> </head> <body>  <dvi class="text"> <p>Lotus is one of the ten famous flowers in China. It is an aquatic plant for many years. It can be divided into three systems: lotus root, lotus seed and lotus flower. It "emerges from the mud without stain, and washes clean ripples without demon"</ P> <p>In people's minds, lotus is a symbol of nobility and purity. Then why can lotus flowers and leaves "come out of the mud without staining"? It turns out that their outer layers are covered with wax, and there are many papillary projections There is air between the protrusions, blocking the infiltration of muddy water</ p>  </div> </body> </html>


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