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Today's Headline We Media - Three Ways to Get Fans for Today's Headline

This is the era of We Media. Almost everyone may have an We Media account. Why do we want to make headlines today? If you want to enter this industry, I think you need to ask yourself the following questions first: ① Why do you want to join Headline We Media today, part-time or full-time? ② Do you have a plan and goal? Is it the cause that you strive for all your life

This is a We Media In the era of, almost everyone may have an We Media account.  

Why Today's headlines We Media?  

If you want to enter this industry, I think you need to ask yourself the following questions first:

① Why do you want to join Today's Headlines We Media, part-time or full-time?  

② Do you have a plan and goal? Is it the cause that you strive for all your life?  

③ What will you learn from it and what will you improve?  

When you think about these issues clearly and plan to devote yourself to the operation of Headline We Media today, you can focus on the following:

 Today's Headlines We Media Today's Headlines Get Fans in Three Ways Fans We Media Today's Headlines Figure 1

Get today's headlines from We Media fans What are the channels of?  

In brief, the main channels for Toutiao We Media to obtain fans today include: Toutiao articles, Wukong Q&A, and WeChat Toutiao. Before discussing these three sections in detail, I want to share my feelings.  

In fact, I have already opened the headline account in 2014, including the We Media account of all major platforms. The account was opened earlier than the one opened earlier, and there will be a traffic dividend period for the account opened earlier. The simple understanding is that the competitive pressure is relatively small.  

However, with the continuous development of the platform, this dividend effect will gradually disappear. If you are not a big V in the industry, but a small white, entering this field, the initial flow support is relatively limited.  

For this reason, you may need to pay special attention to the following three sections:

1. Headline

As we all know, when writing a headline, the primary goal is to get the headline as soon as possible original Tags have a relatively high conversion rate of fans. Of course, original tags are not only original ones that you can get. For this reason, you may need to pay attention to:

① Write original articles suitable for communication, including timely information, current hot spots, and solutions to a problem.
② Pay attention to the writing of the title and the article key word Tags control which categories articles are filtered into.
③ Try to keep it vertical. The more vertical it is at the beginning, the better. It means that you have a certain degree of professionalism, and then expand the types of articles.
④ Constantly update and keep the article update frequency, otherwise it is easy to cancel the headline number identification.
⑤ Select the content types that the platform likes, and try to write less content that the platform does not recommend, such as SEO training and online marketing.  

2. Wukong Q&A

In 2017, Wukong Q&A is a channel to quickly gain fans, and it is also a key part of Toutiao's support in 2017. However, in 2018, Wukong Q&A is a little weak. You may need to pay attention to the following points:

① Answer questions purposefully and selectively, select questions suitable for communication, and focus on industry hotspots
② Provide answers with logical structure, and control the number of words in the article to be no less than 500 words as far as possible, otherwise the system will rarely recommend, or even be folded
③ Try to answer 5-10 questions in relevant vertical fields every day, and they are recommended by the system. You may receive an official certification invitation in about 20 days.  

3. Micro headline

WeChat Toutiao is an important part of today's Toutiao in 2018. Intelligent social networking is entirely based on the operation of WeChat Toutiao. It mainly emphasizes the interaction between the Toutiao accounts. At the same time, it will also give a lot of recommendations for high-quality short content. For this reason, you may need to pay attention to:

① Actively interact and focus on commenting and forwarding the content of high-quality accounts in the industry.
② Publish short content: high-quality pictures, plus short text, to ensure that the content is either interesting, or focus on social hot spots, easy to trigger discussion.
③ Follow # hot topics #, and publish one related content every day if necessary.
④ Mutual fans: mutual fans are a double-edged sword. The advantage is that they can help you quickly provide account activity at the initial stage. The disadvantage is that most of them are universal fans. It is relatively difficult to transform, and they pay attention to each other. The implication is that they have entered the other's content pool. Here, it is recommended to try to mutual fans with industry leaders and high-quality accounts. Of course, you need to consider the question why the other party wants to love you!  

Conclusion: It is a complex system project to enter the ranks of today's headlines We Media in 2018. It needs to call the above three resources in many ways before it can make some progress.


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Link to this article: https://www.umtheme.com/seo/81.html

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