home page Disclaimer


If you use our umtheme.com (beautiful theme) resources, please know the following disclaimers:

About this site

1. We are not responsible for any accidents that may be caused to any person due to the use of this website and the losses that may be caused (including the economic losses caused by infecting computer viruses or viewing technical articles and operations of this website through this website).
2. This website prohibits the production, reproduction, release, dissemination and other information with reactionary, pornographic, violent, obscene, political and other contents. Once found, it will be deleted immediately. If you violate the law, we will not bear any legal responsibility for it.
3. Some of the content of this website comes from the contributions of the network or netizens. This website only provides a platform for display and communication, and is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, legitimacy, legality of its content, nor bear any legal responsibility.
4. Some content, video resources and download resources of this website are provided by the network and netizens. If you unintentionally infringe your copyright, please contact us to indicate the copyright or delete it in time.
5. The sample code or some sample files published by this website may contain some information of this website or blogger. Please delete or modify before use. If you do not delete or modify, some legal disputes directly or indirectly caused by this website have nothing to do with this website!

About Themes/Plug ins

1. All paid or free Zblog topics/plug-ins published on this site are partly downloaded from the official application center of zblog, and partly sold by contacting QQ on this site.
2. If you use the theme/plug-in published on this website to build websites that violate national laws or use them (websites with the theme or plug-in installed on this website) to publish articles (software or source code) that are harmful to others or cause disputes, this website will not bear any legal responsibility and will refuse to provide any technical support.
3. All topics/plug-ins published by this website may contain some QQ or WeChat contact information of the author of this website (topic/plug-in). Please modify it before use. If you do not modify some legal disputes directly or indirectly, this website has nothing to do with it.
4. Please do not remove the Zblog copyright notice contained in the charging theme/plug-in published by this website; The free theme will contain the version statement of this site and zblog, please do not remove it.
5. Free themes/plug-ins published on this website can be developed and published for the second time; However, in principle, this website will not provide any technical support for free topics. Please pay if necessary.
6. The website provides technical support for the published charging theme/plug-in, but only within the scope of the current theme or plug-in. Problems other than other themes/plug-ins are not supported.
7. There are only two ways to purchase the theme/plug-in of our website - zblog application center and the buyer contact me to purchase from QQ/WeChat. For the charging theme/plug-in not purchased through these two ways, our website refuses to answer all relevant questions.
8. The purchase of the website theme/plug-in only has the right to use. Any unauthorized unit or individual is strictly prohibited from cracking, copying, forwarding the template/plug-in developed by the website to others for use or resale, stealing and selling it to others for use. Once verified, all after-sales and free upgrade services will be canceled and the right to investigate the infringer's civil liability will be reserved according to law, If the circumstances are serious, the website will report to the judicial authority in a timely manner and request the judicial authority to investigate the criminal responsibility of relevant personnel.

Thank you for your support