Free zblog personal blog theme ydfed supporting custom colors

Zblog template eight hundred and fifty-six

This is a free zblog theme with simple page structure. The classic left and right column layout is adaptive to computer and mobile browsers. It supports five sidebars, namely the default sidebar and sidebar 2/3/4/5, corresponding to different pages; Support side following scroll display; It provides rich background theme configuration options, and supports uploading logo images and Favicon browser icons; Support unlimited loading from drop-down list; Support user-defined QR codes of QQ, Weibo and WeChat; Support dIY navigation menu bar; Support user-defined homepage title, keyword and description; Support the main color matching of custom theme (such as head background color, menu background color and main body color); There are four advertising spaces built in, which can set PC end advertising and mobile end advertising separately.

 Free zblog personal blog theme ydfed supporting custom colors

Compared with other free zblog topics, the overall theme is highly customizable.

Theme download: Z-Blog Application Center
