Prerequisites: Unlock BL, root, Magisk, MT manager

This tutorial involves system modification, please be careful!!!

The mobile phone's own APP can't be used too much, nor can it be uninstalled. The refrigerator APP can't be completely frozen, such as the browser, the app store, etc., so it needs to be used.


Compile services.jar anti jam

1: Open MT Manager and enter /system/framework/ Directory, find services.jar Files, copying to built-in storage

2: Click the copied file - View - Click classes.dex -Select Dex Editor++
2 Select All classes.dex classes.dex Confirm.

3: Enter the editor, click the com/miui/server directory, and find SecurityManagerService File entry

4: Search .method private checkSystemSelfProtection(Z)V Characters. In the. method section, under. line, clear the similar text of Lcom/miui/server/SecurityManagerService $1, save it in the upper right corner, and exit the automatic decompilation of services.jar

Module fabrication

1: Create a folder for the module, which cannot contain Chinese or special symbols.
For example (as an example below): nokami

2: Create the module.prop module description file in the nokami folder

 id=k40kami Name=module name Version=version number, for example: v1 versionCode=1 Author=Author Description=Module Introduction

3: Kami prevention

Create under nokami /system/framework/ Folder (consistent with the original services. jar folder)
Put the compiled services. jar (important! Prevent the MIUI interface of the boot card)

4: Thin system

Create the APP corresponding folder that the system needs to streamline.
For example, if you want to streamline your own browser, it can be found in:/system/priv app/MIUIBrowser
Then create a consistent directory in the module directory:/nokami/system/priv app/MIUIBrowser

5: Packed and brushed in
After the above is done, compress the nokami folder into zip, and then restart the Magisk module.
