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Trump asked Apple to return to China to make Apple suppliers share prices fell

(Original title: Apple supplier shares slide after Trump tells tech gift to make products in U.S.)


Netease Technology News on September 11, according to foreign media reports, Apple supplier shares fell on Monday. President Trump of the United States has previously tweeted that if Apple wants to avoid being affected by the imposition of tariffs on Chinese imports by the United States, it should produce products in the United States.

It is reported that Apple told US trade officials last Friday that the proposal of the US government to impose tariffs will affect the prices of a series of "extensive" Apple products, including Apple watches. Then Trump made the above remarks. But Apple didn't specifically mention the iPhone.

On Monday, the stock prices of Apple suppliers fell sharply. Among them, the shares of Lixun Precision, Xinwei Communications, headquartered in Shenzhen, China, and Dongshan Precision, headquartered in Suzhou, China, fell 10%. The shares of Lansi Technology, Huanxu Electronics and Anjie Technology fell 6% to 8%.

Taiwan based lens manufacturer Dali Optoelectronics fell nearly 8%, Foxconn fell 3.4%, and Asus fell nearly 4%.

SunMoon Semiconductor also fell 2.9%. It is reported that Apple is one of its largest customers.

Chien Bor yi, an analyst with Cathay Futures consulting in Taipei, said that if the United States continues to raise tariffs on Chinese imports, Apple's parts supply chain in Taiwan will be severely hit.

"People worry about the stock market. This is not a seller's market, but it is not a buyer's market. No one knows how deep the well is.

In the US government's tariff list of US $200 billion for Chinese imports, the technology industry is one of the biggest potential losers, because these tariffs will make imported computer components more expensive.

Shares of Raytheon Technology, a Hong Kong listed supplier of Apple acoustic components, fell more than 5%. The company provides acoustic components and tactile technology products for Apple products such as iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.

In Japan, touch panel manufacturer Nissha fell 0.4%, Japan Display fell 0.7%, and Sharp fell nearly 1%.

"The market is a bit panicky today. Looking ahead, the focus will be on the market reaction after Apple releases its latest models," said Kevin Chung, an analyst at JihSun Securities.

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