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Guo Mingxuan: iPhone 14 Pro camera upgraded to 48 million pixels - iOS learning from beginner to proficient Ji Changxin

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This morning, it was reported that the well-known analyst of Apple's industrial chain, Mig Chi Kuo, believed that Apple's "iPhone 14" would be replaced by a 48 megapixel camera, while "iPhone 15" would obtain better optical zoom capability through periscope lens.

The photographing ability of the iPhone has always been the main marketing selling point of the iPhone. Although the company has been promoting the improvement of computational photography and low light photography in recent years, the image resolution has been quite stable, which can be said to be "12 million pixels of the ancestral image". If Guo Mingxuan's statement is true, Apple will finally increase the number of lens pixels.

According to the analysis report of securities companies seen by the foreign media Apple Insider, Guo Mingxuan predicted that the iPhone 14 camera will be equipped with a 48 million pixel sensor. He predicted that this change would help to improve the financial situation of Dali Optoelectronics, a supplier of camera components.

This is not Guo Mingxuan's first prediction of the 48 million pixel sensor. In an April report, he said that the sensor would be available in 2022. A large 1/1.3 "sensor for wide-angle lenses may provide mixed image mode and support 8K video recording. In other words, this does not mean that all photos taken by iPhone will be 48 million pixels. The camera is also expected to use pixel merging to improve color accuracy and low light performance. For low light photos, the image quality can be improved by using multi pixel synthesis. Samsung's Galaxy S21 already uses this technology.

In addition, Guo Mingxuan predicted that periscope or folding lens can be used for the iPhone that will debut in 2023.

The periscope lens uses a complex prism and reflector arrangement to create a longer path for light passing through the lens components, thus achieving a wider range of optical zoom than traditional lenses. Apple has a number of patents on related lens systems, so it is well known that the company is studying this field. Of course, Android phone manufacturers have already adopted similar designs, and I don't know what improvements Apple will make.

 Guo Mingsheng: iPhone 14 Pro camera upgraded to 48 million pixels

Ji Changxin is responsible for ios learning from beginner to proficient

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