
2019 Shanghai "Jarvis Cup" reverse writeup
### obfuse

32-bit ELF file, without shell, searching key code through key string during loading
! []( )
But it is hard to use f5. You can only look at the assembly. First output "password:", then read a string of strings from the cache, enter sub _8048580 for verification. If 0 is returned, the input is wrong, and if 1 is returned, the input is correct
! []( )

In the sub _8048580 function, it is a bit by bit check
_BOOL4 __cdecl sub_8048580(int a1, signed int a2)
signed int v2; // edx
char v3; // al
_BOOL4 result; // eax
char v5[33]; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-A0h]
char b20_1; // [esp+2Dh] [ebp-7Fh]
char b1f_1; // [esp+2Eh] [ebp-7Eh]
char b1e_1; // [esp+30h] [ebp-7Ch]
char b1d_1; // [esp+31h] [ebp-7Bh]
char b1c_1; // [esp+32h] [ebp-7Ah]
char b1b_1; // [esp+33h] [ebp-79h]
char b1a_1; // [esp+35h] [ebp-77h]
char b19_1; // [esp+36h] [ebp-76h]
char b18_1; // [esp+37h] [ebp-75h]
char b17_1; // [esp+38h] [ebp-74h]
char b16_1; // [esp+39h] [ebp-73h]
char b15_1; // [esp+3Ah] [ebp-72h]
char b14_1; // [esp+3Ch] [ebp-70h]
char b13_0; // [esp+3Dh] [ebp-6Fh]
char b12_0; // [esp+3Eh] [ebp-6Eh]
char b11_0; // [esp+3Fh] [ebp-6Dh]
char b10_0; // [esp+40h] [ebp-6Ch]
char bf_0; // [esp+41h] [ebp-6Bh]
char be_0; // [esp+42h] [ebp-6Ah]
char bd_0; // [esp+43h] [ebp-69h]
char bc_1; // [esp+44h] [ebp-68h]
char bb_1; // [esp+45h] [ebp-67h]
char ba_1; // [esp+56h] [ebp-56h]
char b9_0; // [esp+7Ch] [ebp-30h]
char b8_0; // [esp+7Dh] [ebp-2Fh]
char b7_0; // [esp+7Eh] [ebp-2Eh]
char b6_0; // [esp+7Fh] [ebp-2Dh]
char b5_1; // [esp+80h] [ebp-2Ch]
char b4_1; // [esp+81h] [ebp-2Bh]
char b3_1; // [esp+82h] [ebp-2Ah]
char b2_1; // [esp+83h] [ebp-29h]
char b1_1; // [esp+85h] [ebp-27h]
unsigned int v38; // [esp+8Ch] [ebp-20h]

v38 = __readgsdword(0x14u);
v2 = a2;
while ( 2 )
memset(v5, 0, 0x80u);
v3 = *(_BYTE *)(a1 + v2);
v5[(v3 + 64) % 128] = 1;
if ( (unsigned __int8)(v3 - 10) <= 0x70u )
switch ( v3 )
case '\n':
return v2 == 13 && ba_1 != 0;
case '0':
if ( v2 || ! b9_0 )
return 0;
v2 = 1;
case '1':
if ( v2 == 14 && b8_0 )
goto LABEL_12;
return 0;
case '2':
if ( v2 == 20 && b7_0 )
goto LABEL_15;
return 0;
case '3':
if ( v2 != 89 || ! b6_0 )
return 0;
v2 = 90;
case '4':
if ( v2 != 15 || ! b5_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 16;
case '5':
if ( v2 != 14 || ! b4_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 15;
case '6':
if ( v2 != 12 || ! b3_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 13;
case '7':
if ( v2 != 5 || ! b2_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 6;
case '8':
result = 0;
if ( b1_1 )
result = v2 == 33 || v2 == 2;
return result;
case '9':
if ( v2 != 1 || ! b1_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 2;
case 'a':
if ( v2 != 35 || ! b20_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 36;
case 'b':
if ( v2 != 11 || ! b1f_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 12;
case 'c':
if ( v2 != 32 || ! b20_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 33;
case 'd':
if ( v2 != 3 || ! b1e_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 4;
case 'e':
if ( v2 != 7 || ! b1d_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 8;
case 'f':
if ( ! b1c_1 || v2 != 8 && v2 != 4 )
return 0;
goto LABEL_53;
case 'g':
return v2 == 12 && b10_0 != 0;
case 'h':
if ( v2 != 13 || ! b1b_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 14;
case 'i':
if ( v2 != 9 || ! b1a_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 10;
case 'j':
if ( v2 != 10 || ! b19_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 11;
case 'k':
return v2 == 12 && b18_1 != 0;
case 'l':
if ( v2 != 19 || ! b17_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 20;
case 'm':
if ( v2 != 17 || ! b16_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 18;
case 'n':
return v2 == 18 && b16_1 != 0;
case 'o':
if ( ! b15_1 || v2 != 6 && v2 != 28 )
return 0;
case 'p':
if ( v2 != 30 || ! b14_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 31;
case 'q':
if ( v2 != 29 || ! b13_0 )
return 0;
v2 = 30;
case 'r':
if ( v2 != 20 || ! b12_0 )
return 0;
v2 = 21;
case 's':
if ( v2 != 25 || ! b11_0 )
return 0;
v2 = 26;
case 't':
return v2 == 24 && b12_0 != 0;
case 'u':
if ( v2 != 26 || ! bf_0 )
return 0;
v2 = 27;
case 'v':
if ( v2 != 2 || ! be_0 )
return 0;
v2 = 3;
case 'w':
if ( v2 != 6 || ! bd_0 )
return 0;
v2 = 7;
case 'x':
if ( v2 != 22 || ! bc_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 23;
case 'y':
if ( v2 != 23 || ! bb_1 )
return 0;
v2 = 24;
case 'z':
return v2 == 21 && b20_1 != 0;
return 0;
return 0;
According to the case value in the switch and the if condition in the case, the correct flag can be inferred
#### flag:09vdf7wefijbk

### Auth.exe
Executable file on 32-bit windows, without shell, run the following program first:
! []( )

It is also loaded into IDA to find the key code through the key string (main function). This function defines a lot of data in front of it, and then it is processed by sub_401500

int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
const CHAR *v3; // ebx
HMODULE v4; // eax
void (__stdcall *v5)(HMODULE, LPCSTR); // eax
char v7; // [esp+1h] [ebp-157h]
char v8[4]; // [esp+15h] [ebp-143h]
int v9; // [esp+20h] [ebp-138h]
int v10; // [esp+26h] [ebp-132h]
int v11; // [esp+2Ah] [ebp-12Eh]
int v12; // [esp+2Eh] [ebp-12Ah]
int v13; // [esp+32h] [ebp-126h]
int v14; // [esp+36h] [ebp-122h]
int v15; // [esp+3Ah] [ebp-11Eh]
__int16 v16; // [esp+3Eh] [ebp-11Ah]
int v17; // [esp+40h] [ebp-118h]
int v18; // [esp+44h] [ebp-114h]
int v19; // [esp+48h] [ebp-110h]
int v20; // [esp+4Ch] [ebp-10Ch]
int v21; // [esp+50h] [ebp-108h]
int v22; // [esp+54h] [ebp-104h]
int v23; // [esp+58h] [ebp-100h]
int v24; // [esp+5Ch] [ebp-FCh]
int v25; // [esp+60h] [ebp-F8h]
int v26; // [esp+64h] [ebp-F4h]
int v27; // [esp+68h] [ebp-F0h]
int v28; // [esp+6Ch] [ebp-ECh]
int v29; // [esp+70h] [ebp-E8h]
char v30; // [esp+74h] [ebp-E4h]
int a_2; // [esp+75h] [ebp-E3h]
int v32; // [esp+79h] [ebp-DFh]
int v33; // [esp+7Dh] [ebp-DBh]
int v34; // [esp+81h] [ebp-D7h]
int v35; // [esp+85h] [ebp-D3h]
int v36; // [esp+89h] [ebp-CFh]
int v37; // [esp+8Dh] [ebp-CBh]
int v38; // [esp+91h] [ebp-C7h]
__int16 v39; // [esp+95h] [ebp-C3h]
int a_1; // [esp+97h] [ebp-C1h]
int v41; // [esp+9Bh] [ebp-BDh]
int v42; // [esp+9Fh] [ebp-B9h]
int v43; // [esp+A3h] [ebp-B5h]
int v44; // [esp+A7h] [ebp-B1h]
int v45; // [esp+ABh] [ebp-ADh]
int v46; // [esp+AFh] [ebp-A9h]
int v47; // [esp+B3h] [ebp-A5h]
char v48; // [esp+B7h] [ebp-A1h]
int v49; // [esp+B8h] [ebp-A0h]
int v50; // [esp+BEh] [ebp-9Ah]
int v51; // [esp+C2h] [ebp-96h]
int v52; // [esp+C6h] [ebp-92h]
int v53; // [esp+CAh] [ebp-8Eh]
int v54; // [esp+CEh] [ebp-8Ah]
int v55; // [esp+D2h] [ebp-86h]
int v56; // [esp+D6h] [ebp-82h]
int v57; // [esp+DAh] [ebp-7Eh]
char v58; // [esp+DEh] [ebp-7Ah]
int v59; // [esp+DFh] [ebp-79h]
int v60; // [esp+E3h] [ebp-75h]
int v61; // [esp+E7h] [ebp-71h]
int v62; // [esp+EBh] [ebp-6Dh]
int v63; // [esp+EFh] [ebp-69h]
int v64; // [esp+F3h] [ebp-65h]
int v65; // [esp+F7h] [ebp-61h]
int v66; // [esp+FBh] [ebp-5Dh]
__int16 v67; // [esp+FFh] [ebp-59h]
int v68; // [esp+101h] [ebp-57h]
int v69; // [esp+105h] [ebp-53h]
char v70; // [esp+109h] [ebp-4Fh]
int v71; // [esp+10Ah] [ebp-4Eh]
int v72; // [esp+10Eh] [ebp-4Ah]
int v73; // [esp+112h] [ebp-46h]
int v74; // [esp+116h] [ebp-42h]
int v75; // [esp+11Ah] [ebp-3Eh]
int v76; // [esp+11Eh] [ebp-3Ah]
int v77; // [esp+122h] [ebp-36h]
int v78; // [esp+126h] [ebp-32h]
int v79; // [esp+12Ah] [ebp-2Eh]
int v80; // [esp+12Eh] [ebp-2Ah]
int v81; // [esp+132h] [ebp-26h]
int v82; // [esp+136h] [ebp-22h]
int v83; // [esp+13Ah] [ebp-1Eh]
int v84; // [esp+13Eh] [ebp-1Ah]
int v85; // [esp+142h] [ebp-16h]
int v86; // [esp+146h] [ebp-12h]
int v87; // [esp+14Ah] [ebp-Eh]
__int16 v88; // [esp+14Eh] [ebp-Ah]
int *v89; // [esp+150h] [ebp-8h]

v89 = &argc;
"            .     \n"
"    /\\/\\  (. .)  /\n"
"    `||'   |#|  \n"
"     ||__.-\"-\"-.___   \n"
"     `---| . . |--.\\  \n"
"         | : : |  ,||,\n"
"         `..-..'  \\/\\/\n"
"          || ||   \n"
"          || ||    \n"
"         |__|__|  \n");
v49 = 0x539;
v50 = 0x60646D51;
v51 = 0x64216472;
v52 = 0x7364756F;
v53 = 0x64697521;
v54 = 0x73686721;
v55 = 0x51217572;
v56 = 0x76727260;
v57 = 0x3B65736E;
v58 = 1;
a_1 = 0x60646D51;
v41 = 0x64216472;
v42 = 0x7364756F;
v43 = 0x64697521;
v44 = 0x73686721;
v45 = 0x51217572;
v46 = 0x76727260;
v47 = 0x3B65736E;
v48 = 1;
v59 = 0x60646D51;
v60 = 0x64216472;
v61 = 0x7364756F;
v62 = 0x64697521;
v63 = 0x62647221;
v64 = 0x21656F6E;
v65 = 0x72726051;
v66 = 0x65736E76;
v67 = 315;
a_2 = 0x60646D51;                              // Please enter the second Password
v32 = 0x64216472;
v33 = 0x7364756F;
v34 = 0x64697521;
v35 = 0x62647221;
v36 = 0x21656F6E;
v37 = 0x72726051;
v38 = 0x65736E76;
v39 = 315;
v68 = 0x6F6F3074;
v69 = 0x666D3367;
v70 = 3;
v28 = 0x6F6F3074;
v29 = 0x666D3367;
v30 = 3;
v71 = 0x6F73646A;
v72 = 0x33326D64;
v73 = 0x6D6D652F;
v74 = 0x13F0101;
v24 = 0x6F73646A;
v25 = 0x33326D64;
v26 = 0x6D6D652F;
v27 = 0x13F0101;
v75 = 0x57656540;
v76 = 0x6E756264;
v77 = 0x44656473;
v78 = 0x71646279;
v79 = 0x6F6E6875;
v80 = 0x656F6049;
v81 = 0x173646D;
v17 = 0x57656540;
v18 = 0x6E756264;
v19 = 0x44656473;
v20 = 0x71646279;
v21 = 0x6F6E6875;
v22 = 0x656F6049;
v23 = 0x173646D;
v82 = 0x21746E58;
v83 = 0x2F6F6876;
v84 = 0x6F6E4221;
v85 = 0x75607366;
v86 = 0x75606D74;
v87 = 0x726F6E68;
v88 = 0x120;
v10 = 0x21746E58;
v11 = 0x2F6F6876;
v12 = 0x6F6E4221;
v13 = 0x75607366;
v14 = 0x75606D74;
v15 = 0x726F6E68;
v16 = 0x120;
v9 = 0x539;
strcpy(v8, "r0b0RUlez!");
dword_40AD94 = (int)&v9;
dword_40ADA0 = (int)&v49;
dword_40AD8C = (char *)&a_1;
dword_40AD90 = (char *)&a_2;
dword_40AD98 = (int)&v28;
lpProcName = (LPCSTR)&v17;
lpModuleName = (LPCSTR)&v24;
dword_40ADA4 = (char *)&v10;
v3 = lpProcName;
v4 = GetModuleHandleA(lpModuleName);
v5 = (void (__stdcall *)(HMODULE, LPCSTR))GetProcAddress(v4, v3);
v5((HMODULE)1, (LPCSTR)sub_40157F);
scanf("%20s", &v7);
if ( ! strcmp(&v7, v8) )
puts("You passed level1!");
return 0;
In the sub _401500 function, every bit of the data just defined is XOR with 1
! []( )
First decrypt the data:
str1 =""
for x in range(0,len(data1),2):
str1 += chr(eval("0x"+data1[x:x+2])^1)
print str1

data2 = "516D6460726421646F75647321756964217264626E6F652151607272766E73653B"

str2 =""
for x in range(0,len(data2),2):
str2 += chr(eval("0x"+data2[x:x+2])^1)
print str2

data3 = "74306F6F67336D66"

str3 =""
for x in range(0,len(data3),2):
str3 += chr(eval("0x"+data3[x:x+2])^1)
print str3

data4 = "6A64736F646D32332F656D6D"
str4 = ""
for x in range(0,len(data4),2):
str4 += chr(eval("0x"+data4[x:x+2])^1)
print str4

data5 = "406565576462756E736465447962647175686E6F49606F656D6473"
str5 = ""
for x in range(0,len(data5),2):
str5 += chr(eval("0x"+data5[x:x+2])^1)
print str5

data6 = "586E742176686F2F21426E6F66736075746D6075686E6F7220"
str6 = ""
for x in range(0,len(data6),2):
str6 += chr(eval("0x"+data6[x:x+2])^1)
print str6
Output results:
! []( )
It is found that some strings need to be output

Next, the program receives a string and compares it with the string "r0b0RUlez!". This is the first layer of restriction, and then comes to the function sub _4015EA, where an exception is constructed. When the program goes here, an exception occurs and the jump occurs. Before the jump, a data change occurs. The second jump is in this function. Then we follow the first one
! []( )

Follow up and come to a function, then receive a string, enter sub _401547 for comparison
! []( )

In the sub _401547 function, every bit of the string "u1nnf2lg" is XOR with 2
! []( )

Decrypt to get "w3lld0ne"
flag = "u1nnf2lg"
real_flag =""
for x in range(len(flag)):
print real_flag

Finally, concatenate the strings
#### flag:r0b0RUlez!\_ w3lld0ne

fabulous ( four )

This article is written by Ji Changxin Author, article address:
use Knowledge Sharing Attribution 4.0 International License Agreement. Unless the reprint/source is indicated, they are all original or translated by this website. Please sign your name before reprinting. Last editing time: March 31, 2019 at 01:12 PM

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7 comments, 0 visitors, 0 bloggers
  1.  Novice Head
    Novice Head Published on:

    Why can't I reply to you. No classes for study, no internship.

    •  Ji Changxin
      Ji Changxin Published on:

      Yes, in progress

    •  Ji Changxin
      Ji Changxin Published on:

      Yes, my back is cold. I almost went to restore the snapshot

  2.  Novice Head
    Novice Head Published on:

    This is the big guy, this is the real big guy.

    •  Ji Changxin
      Ji Changxin Published on:

      I just guessed how the comments of the Big Brother would be exempt from review. I thought that the Big Brother had invaded the database. I found that the Big Brother had been here before by searching the comments

  3.  Ji Changxin
    Ji Changxin Published on:


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