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People's Network

There is an echo | Will the enrollment of general high school be expanded in 2024? Urumqi: 2000 more people will be expanded this year

Li Long
08:50, April 18, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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Many junior high school students have always dreamed of entering a high quality ordinary high school, but they failed to do so because of the limited number of places. Now, with the expansion of the enrollment scale of high-quality ordinary high schools, they have been given the opportunity to get closer to their dreams.

Screenshots of netizens' messages.

A few days ago, a Mr. Liu from Urumqi left a message on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online saying: "I am a parent of a child in the third year of junior high school. Recently, I saw the statements in relevant documents about" orderly expansion "and" high-quality high school "of ordinary high schools, and would like to ask how to implement them? How does Urumqi implement it? Will Urumqi ordinary high schools expand their enrollment this year? What are there and how many high-quality high school degrees? What is the enrollment rate of ordinary high schools in 2024?

Screenshot of official reply.

In response, the Urumqi Municipal Party Committee Office replied in early April: It is understood that in recent years, Urumqi has taken many measures, such as building new ordinary high school campuses, tapping the potential of existing high-quality ordinary high school resources, continuously increasing the supply of high school degrees, and orderly expanding the enrollment scale of ordinary high schools, to meet the people's desire to learn. At the same time, we will expand the total resources of high-quality ordinary high schools by means of group school running, pair assistance and county trusteeship. The enrollment plan for 2024 is to expand 2000 people on the basis of the expansion of 2000 people in 2023, with an estimated total enrollment of 27000 people.

On the afternoon of the 17th, the reporter contacted Mr. Liu by telephone, and he said that he had received the relevant reply from Urumqi. "I am glad to see the news of the expansion of high school enrollment, which greatly increases the chances of going to high school. As a parent, of course, I hope my children will enter high school and go to college in the future."

Education is about the future. Recently, the website of the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region released the 2024 National Economic and Social Development Plan and its main indicators (hereinafter referred to as "Plan Indicators").

The indicators of the plan are clear, and the high-quality development of education should be promoted. We will implement the three-year action plan of the autonomous region to accelerate the construction of a strong education region, promote the popularization of preschool education, and promote safe and high-quality development, consolidate the development of basic education, promote the high-quality balanced development of compulsory education and urban-rural integration, and orderly expand the enrollment of high-quality ordinary high schools. We will implement the plan to improve the quality of vocational education, continue to promote the construction of "double universities" and "double excellent schools", promote the construction of regional industry education integration community, and strengthen the cooperation between industry education integration and schools and enterprises. Deepen the classified development pattern of "1+4+N" regular undergraduate universities, accelerate the construction of "four new", and continue to increase the proportion of engineering talents.

There is no trivial matter about people's livelihood. What problems and difficulties do you have to solve? Welcome to the People's Daily Online "Leaders Message Board" to leave a message and tell us your difficulties and troubles.

(Editor in charge: Li Long, Yang Rui)

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