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  • 📧 Email contact: contact@rainbowsoft.org

Website statement

We only release free and open source website building programs for download on the Internet. We do not provide website hosting space, content, maintenance and other services, and have nothing to do with the website established using our website building programs. This website building procedure is strictly prohibited to be used by any illegal website or for illegal purposes. Anyone can use or not use our website building program, and we cannot contact and handle the website and its content created by others using our website building program. If you want to deal with the content of a website established using our website building program or take legal action against its website, please confirm and contact the owner of the website first. Please refer to 📜 Disclaimer.

About Z-Blog and Z-BlogPHP

Since the first version of Z-Blog was released in 2005, it has developed from the ASP version to the PHP version, The Z-Blog development team has been committed to providing you with better Blog and CMS programs, And strive to build Z-BlogPHP into a website program with high playability and Lego building blocks!

  • June 15, 2023: Z-BlogPHP 1.7.3 Finch supporting PHP 8.2 was released.
  • January 30, 2022: Z-BlogPHP 1.7.2 with many updates and fixes was released.
  • April 10, 2021: The largest update of ZBP since its release, Z-BlogPHP 1.7.0 Tenet, went online.
  • March 27, 2020: make persistent efforts to release in 2020, Z-BlogPHP 1.6.0 Valyria。
  • On May 18, 2018, Z-Blog 2.3 Avengers was released.
  • May 4, 2018: updated in 2018, Z-BlogPHP 1.5.2 Zero。
  • January 23, 2017: The official version of Z-BlogPHP 1.5.1 was released with the 2017 New Year update.
  • October 31, 2016: The official version of Z-BlogPHP 1.5 Zero was released in 2016.
  • On January 31, 2015, the official version of Z-BlogPHP 1.4 Deeplue was released.
  • On June 14, 2014, the official version of Z-BlogPHP 1.3 Wonce was released.
  • March 14, 2014: Z-Blog officially launched www.zblogcn.com as the official domain name.
  • On February 21, 2014, Z-BlogPHP 1.2 Hippo was released.
  • On December 21, 2013, Z-BlogPHP 1.1 Taichi was released.
  • September 25, 2013: Z-BlogPHP 1.0 Beta was released, and Z-Blog entered a new era.
  • On August 1, 2013, Z-Blog 2.2 Prism was released.
  • On January 28, 2013: Z-Blog 2.1 Phoenix released, Z-Blog Phoenix Nirvana.
  • On December 21, 2012, Z-Blog 2.0 Doomsday was released as the first work of the 2. X era.
  • April 01, 2011: Z-Blog 1.9 Beta was released, April Fool's Day version.
  • April 27, 2010: Z-Blog 1.8 Wall was released. This is the most classic version of the Z-Blog 1. X era.
  • On December 4, 2008, Z-Blog 1.8 Arwen was released.
  • February 1, 2007: Z-Blog 1.7 Laputa was released.
  • April 20, 2006: Z-Blog 1.6 Beta was released.
  • On August 10, 2005, Z-Blog 1.4 was released.
  • On March 20, 2005, Z-Blog 1.2 was released.
  • February 18, 2005: Z-Blog 1.0 was released!