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China Weather Network > high temperature > High Temperature Defense Guidelines

Protective measures for high-temperature operation

[Font: large   in   Small 2010-03-03 09:56:22 Source: China Weather Network

Since high temperature operation has an impact on many physiological functions of the human body, which can lead to heatstroke or even life-threatening in serious cases, active measures should be taken to protect the health of workers working at high temperature.

(1) Technical measures

1. Reasonably design the process flow: Reasonably design the process flow, improve the production equipment and operation methods as the fundamental measures to improve the working conditions of high-temperature operation. The layout of heat sources should meet the following requirements: ① try to arrange outside the workshop; ② When natural ventilation based on thermal pressure is adopted, it shall be arranged under the skylight as far as possible; ③ When the natural ventilation dominated by cross ventilation is adopted, it shall be arranged at the downwind side of the dominant wind direction in summer as far as possible; ④ Heat insulation measures shall be taken for heat source; ⑤ Make it easy to take cooling measures at the work site. Partition walls (plates) can be set between heat sources to make hot air rise along the partition walls and be discharged through the skylight to avoid spreading to the whole workshop; ⑥ Hot finished products and semi-finished products shall be transported out of the workshop or stacked at the downwind side in time.

2. Heat insulation: heat insulation is an important measure to prevent thermal radiation, especially the heat insulation effect of water is the best, the specific heat of water is large, and it can absorb radiant heat to the maximum extent.

3. Ventilation and cooling: ① natural ventilation, natural ventilation through doors, windows and gaps, but this is far from enough for high-temperature workshops. ② Mechanical ventilation: a. Use local or overall mechanical ventilation or forced cold air to reduce the operating ambient temperature; b. In the high-temperature operation workshop, an isolated operation room shall be built to supply cold air or install air conditioners.

(2) Health measures

1. Drinks and nutrition supplement: workers working at high temperature should supplement water and salt equal to the amount of sweating. The salt content of drinks should be 0.15% - 0.2%, and the drinking method should be small and repeated; Properly increase high calorie diet, protein, vitamins and calcium.

2. Personal protection: The work clothes of workers working at high temperature should be made of fabrics with heat resistance, low thermal conductivity and good air permeability. According to the needs of different types of work, work hats, protective glasses, masks, gloves, shoe covers, leg guards and other personal protective equipment should also be distributed.

3. Strengthen medical prevention work: physical examination shall be carried out before employment and summer vacation for workers working at high temperature. Any organic disease of cardiovascular system, dysfunction of vasomotor regulation, persistent hypertension, ulcer disease, active tuberculosis, emphysema, liver and kidney disease, obvious endocrine disease (such as hyperthyroidism), organic disease of central nervous system Patients with allergic skin scars, convalescent patients after serious illness and those who are weak should not be engaged in high-temperature operations.

(3) Organizational measures

1. Strengthen leadership, improve management, and strictly comply with the relevant national health standards for high-temperature operations to do a good job in heatstroke prevention. For example, the high-temperature operations of the unit shall be classified and evaluated according to the methods and standards in the Classification of High Temperature Operations (GB/T4200-1997), which shall generally be conducted once a year in summer.

(2) Publicize the knowledge of heatstroke prevention and heatstroke prevention.

(3) Reasonably arrange working hours and avoid the highest temperature. Rotate operation to shorten operation time. The rest room shall be set up to ensure that the workers working at high temperature can have proper sleep and rest.


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