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China Weather Network > City Introduction

Introduction to Suihua City

Suihua City is located in the Hulan River basin in the Songnen Plain in the south central Heilongjiang Province. Its regional corridor is like a carp leaping to the west foot of the Little Xing'an Mountains on the confluence of the Songhua River and the Nen River. Its head faces northeast, its tail is in the southwest, and it lies on the Songnen Plain in the north. The geographical location is 124 ° 53 ′ -- 128 ° 35 ′ east longitude and 45 ° 10 ′ -- 48 ° 05 ′ 51 "north latitude. The north borders Xunke County, Bei'an City, Baiquan County and Yi'an County from east to west; the west borders Lindian County and Daqing City from north to south; the south connects Zhaozhou County, Zhaoyuan County and Shuangcheng City from west to east; The east and southeast are bordered by Yichun City, Tieli City, Tonghe County, Mulan County, Bayan County, Hulan County and Harbin City from north to south. Tourism resources in Suihua City include two major landscape systems: natural landscape system and cultural landscape system. According to the classification system in the Specifications for China's Tourism Resources Census, there are six major categories of tourism resources in Suihua City. Among them, historic sites and buildings include the ruins of the Jin Dynasty in Zhaodong, Balicheng, the Sansheng Palace in Helen, the Catholic Church in Haibei Town, the former residence of Lin Feng in Wangkui, and the 731 site in Anda. Leisure, knowledge and fitness include Hekou Tourist Area in Lanxi, Wangziyang Resort in Qinggang, and People's Park in Suihua. The water scenery category includes Liuhe Reservoir in Qing'an, Dongfanghong Reservoir in Hailun and Donghu Wetland in Anda. The geo cultural landscape category includes the Geshan Mountain in Suiling, the White Horse Stone in Suiling, and the Miaoshan Mountain in Wangkui. The biological landscape category includes Xiwa Wilderness Nature Reserve in Wangkui. The structures include rice in Qing'an, Prince Yang mineral water in Qinggang, and paper cutting by Helen.

Analysis of climate background in Suihua

Suihua City is located in the west of central Heilongjiang Province, bordering Harbin in the south and the Little Khingan Mountains in the west. It lies in the hinterland of the Songnen Plain, and has a humid climate in the middle temperate zone. The annual average temperature of Suihua is about 2.8 ℃, the average rainfall is about 550 mm, the average frost free period is 130 days, and the annual average sunshine is 2700 hours. The climate of Suihua is characterized by cold and dry winter, warm and rainy summer, cool and comfortable spring and autumn.

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