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  • Disease name: venereal disease
  • Location: genitals
  • Department: Dermatology Department
  • Symptoms and signs: STD is a general term for many diseases, including syphilis, condyloma acuminatum, genital herpes, gonorrhea, etc. The symptoms vary according to the symptoms.
Disease Overview
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), the full name of STDs, are a group of diseases whose main mode of transmission is sexual contact. View Details
clinical manifestation
Genital ulcer is a typical symptom of primary syphilis. The appearance of vulva warts may be infected with condyloma acuminatum. Vesicles in the vulva may be infected with genital herpes. If there is purulent secretion at the urethral orifice, it is suspected that gonorrhea may be infected. View Details
disease control
Measures such as avoiding the occurrence of improper sexual behavior, paying attention to sexual hygiene, avoiding sexual intercourse in extraordinary times, and avoiding certain sexual behavior patterns can all prevent sexually transmitted diseases. View Details

The doctor said

Li Qiang
Head of Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University

Early prevention of diabetes
With the improvement of life quality, a disease called "silent killer" has crept into our life

Wen Shaojun
Beijing Anzhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University

Prevention and treatment of hypertension
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are one of the biggest killers of human beings, and hypertension is a very serious risk factor
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