Lecturer: Li Haicong
Head of Department of Geriatrics, China Japan Friendship Hospital
Good at: treating stubborn sleep disorder, senile depression
Sleep disorder refers to the irregular process of human sleep due to various reasons.

Hello, Sina netizens!

Host: Famous doctors gather to talk about people's health. Good afternoon, Sina netizens! Welcome to the famous doctor hall broadcast by Sina Health and Medical Forum. I'm Cui Yingmo. While broadcasting, you can also communicate with our experts through our interactive platform.

Sleep should be an important thing for everyone, because it occupies almost 1/3 of our life time. Normally, sleep should be the most restful and relaxed time of a person's day. But many people are troubled by sleep disorders, making sleep the most painful thing. In order to know more about the topic of sleep disorders, In this program, we specially invite Professor Li Haicong, director of geriatrics department of China Japan Friendship Hospital. First, let's meet Professor Li.

Hello, Professor Li!

Li Haicong: Hello, netizens! Good host!

Host: Professor Li, let's take a look at a case first. It's about a woman named Sun. Her husband has always had a bad sleep, especially his snoring. The snoring is very loud. According to Ms. Sun's description, the neighbors next door can hear it. In addition, her husband often suffered from snoring and suffocation. As for breathing disorders, he struggled to turn over under the bed in his sleep and hit his head with a big bag, but he didn't know it. So she wanted to ask, we often heard about snoring. There are many snorers around. Is snoring a disease?

Li Haicong. First of all, there is a reason for snoring in sleep. Young people snore in sleep. I remember that children snore in sleep, but I think it is a serious problem for elderly people to snore. In the past, people didn't pay attention to this aspect, but now they have gradually paid attention to it. For example, in the case just now, I think it must be a sick condition. When he snores, he sounds very loud and breathes abnormally. It must be chest tightness and hypoxia. Because this condition can also cause heart disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, etc., so in this case, When he snores, he should go to the hospital to see a doctor. First, he should rule out some respiratory problems, especially whether his respiratory tract is normal. I think he should go to check, especially in the otorhinolaryngology department, to rule out some of these problems.

Moderator: Can we understand that snoring is not a disease if it happens accidentally or because of tiredness or posture problems today, and it can disappear after adjustment. But if Ms. Sun's disease affects sleep, it must be so serious.

Li Haicong: I think he must have a problem. He has chest tightness and suffocation. He needs to sit up. This is a state of hypoxia, which reflects the different fields of his respiratory tract and causes hypoxia. I think if he doesn't pay attention to his situation, it will cause more problems in the future, such as heart attack, especially coronary heart disease, hypertension, blood pressure rise, and diabetes. A very important problem is that the common cerebrovascular disease and cerebral infarction will occur, So he is a morbid. However, some snoring, especially when the elderly lie on their back, is very obvious, because the root of their tongue falls back when the elderly lie on their back, which will affect the respiratory tract. This situation should be noted. When he lies on his side, his tongue returns to its normal position. Maybe his respiratory tract is usually better.

Host: So we should choose a better and more suitable sleeping posture. Actually speaking of this case, because his snoring problem has led to his poor sleep quality, it is also a kind of sleep disorder. We generally understand that this sleep disorder is insomnia and inability to sleep is an obstacle. But like this kind of sleep disorder, if you feel tired and weak after waking up, is it also a sleep disorder? What on earth are sleep disorders?

Li Haicong: There is also a diagnostic standard for sleep disorders. There is a diagnostic standard in the world, and there is a diagnostic standard in our country. The diagnostic criteria of our country mainly refer to the diagnostic classification of mental disorders in China and the revised standard of the third edition. There are five criteria for sleep disorders. First, insomnia is almost the only symptom, including difficulty in falling asleep, lack of deep sleep, easy to wake up, dreaminess, difficulty in falling asleep after waking, and daytime mental fatigue, weakness, and depression. Second, he has the advantage of paying special attention to the results of insomnia, that is, he cares about his sleep and is afraid of the consequences of his poor sleep. Third, his dissatisfaction with sleep quality and sleep time causes obvious pain, and affects his social function. One more thing, the above situation occurs more than three times a week, and for one month in a row. It also excludes poor sleep caused by physical diseases and mental disorders.

Host: So these are all horizontal sleep disorders.

Li Haicong.

Host: In fact, many of us may not have a clear understanding of a sleep disorder. In fact, we all know that if we really have this sleep disorder, we should actively adjust it. It should also belong to, because it is a disease, we should actively seek medical advice. Moreover, we know that different age groups have different requirements for sleep quality, and people often laugh about it. For example, the elderly have little sleep, and the young may not sleep enough. What kind of problems should occur in different age groups as sleep disorders in different age groups?

Li Haicong, Six hours, mainly depends on his mental state the next day. For example, a person who sleeps for six hours the next day is in a very good mental state, energetic, able to play a variety of social functions, mental function is also very good, without any pain. I think six hours of sleep is his living sleep, his physiological needs. But if some people report that they often go to our hospital to see doctors, they say that seven hours is not enough, and the next day they feel not energetic. I think that seven hours is not enough for him to sleep, and he needs to increase his sleep properly.

So what the host said just now is that different age groups have different physiological needs for sleep, which is right, but the most fundamental judgment is also based on his mental state the next day. Generally speaking, children will definitely sleep more. Young people usually sleep 7 to 8 hours, while middle-aged people may sleep less, 6 hours, The elderly can do it in about six hours, mainly to judge his mental state the next day.

Compere: So in fact, the quality is not good.

Li Haicong: Yes.

Host: What factors are generally related to sleep disorders? Can we say, for example, that there are some people who are particularly prone to sleep disorders? Is there such a group division?

Li Haicong, Most of them are between 30 and 40 years old. Now there are also some middle school students, middle school students in their 20s, who do not sleep well during the college entrance examination, and also come to see a doctor. I think it is also easy for female comrades to have sleep disorders before and after menstruation and menopause. In general, the elderly have less time to sleep, and they have more opportunities to suffer from sleep disorders. Although many elderly people find that they also suffer from sleep disorders due to family and their own affairs when they see a doctor, this is the case.

Host: As you said, now sleep disorders are not only the elderly, but also the young.

Netizen: I am a 25-year-old male. I have been suffering from sleep disorders for more than 10 years, and I have difficulty in thinking. I can't carry out complex logical thinking, and my concentration is not enough. My mind often cannot help but wander. Even if I don't do anything, I feel very tired of responsibility and lack of spirit. I tested on the Internet and said that it is a serious neurasthenia. This situation is treated with drugs, What kind of medicine should I take?

Li Haicong: This netizen described that the symptoms of poor sleep are typical, and they belong to the type of deficiency of qi and blood in traditional Chinese medicine. However, he should note that there may still be mild depression among the symptoms mentioned by the netizen, and he should pay attention to this situation. But from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, he belongs to the type of deficiency of qi and blood and weakness of spleen and stomach. I think he can use traditional Chinese medicine to replenish qi and blood, especially Guipi Decoction.

Netizen: I am 17 years old, and I have suffered from sleep disorders for about half a year. When I sleep, I have a feeling of chest compression and respiratory distress, but I am conscious. Finally, I wake up through various actions and contact with respiratory disorders. Sometimes this situation occurs several times a night. What is the problem and how should I treat it?

Li Haicong. Now we find that some young people also suffer from sleep apnea, which is quite serious. There is a complication, namely, cerebral hemorrhage. We found that he has sleep apnea when we went to the hospital. There are also young patients in their 20s and 30s. In his case, I think we should first make clear the cause of his illness, the feeling of chest tightness, and the feeling of suffocation. We should rule out whether there is sleep apnea. If there is, we should look for further reasons.

Compere: This is his situation. It may not only be a simple sleep disorder, but also a problem of adjusting sleep.

Li Haicong: Yes.

Netizen: Will the sequela after cerebral infarction lead to sleep disorder? How should we treat it?

Li Haicong: There is no doubt that cerebral infarction causes sleep disorders. I once published such articles in magazines. There are many sleep disorders caused by cerebral infarction, which are very common, especially in the early, acute and subacute stages of some cerebral infarction. I think there are sleep disorders, especially in some chronic rehabilitation stages. This is due to some disorders of neuroendocrine function after cerebral infarction. I think that in terms of treatment, the treatment of cerebral infarction can also achieve good results. I think that in addition to sleep disorders, the treatment of cerebral infarction should also actively improve his sleep, This will help him recover from cerebral infarction and improve his mental preparation, which is also good for his recovery.

For example, sleep disorder caused by cerebral infarction can be treated according to syndrome differentiation. Generally speaking, most of these cases are based on qi stagnation and blood stasis.

Netizen: What kind of medicine should be used for elderly people with sleep disorders? Such as valium, or other brain tonic?

Li Haicong: Diazepam is a traditional medicine for treating sleep disorders. It is an old medicine. It is still in use today. It is very good. It has a definite effect and has relatively small side effects. I think that diazepam, as a western medicine, is the most basic medicine for the treatment of sleep disorders. It is also useful and effective for the elderly. Of course, there are many people with sleep disorders, and there are many reasons. If you can use some health products or Chinese patent medicines, such as brain tonic, because there are many Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of sleep disorders, according to my guiding ideology, I think we should first use some Chinese patent medicine. If the effect of Chinese patent medicine is not ideal, we can also use western medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine. I think we can achieve curative effect.

Netizen: Hello, doctor, I am 24 years old, and my cervical vertebra is very uncomfortable, but it is not painful, which leads to the decline of sleep disorder. After X-ray testing, the physiological degree of the cervical vertebra straightens, and the CT page of the cervical vertebra shows no problem. What medical tests do I need to do now to determine what is wrong with my cervical vertebra? How to solve the sleep problem caused by cervical vertebra problem?

Li Haicong, It will cause cervical spondylosis after a long time. I think the first thing to do is to change the way of life and work. If he uses the computer as I said just now, I think he should relax after a period of time, an hour or two later, and exercise his neck, which will be good for relieving his cervical spondylosis.

He just said to do various examinations. The X-ray film is normal. If you want to find out whether there is a problem, you can do an MRI of the cervical spine. You can see the condition of the cervical vertebral canal, whether there is stenosis, and whether there is protrusion of the cervical intervertebral disc. I think you can pass this aspect.

I suggest that this netizen can solve his problem through some sports. For example, he often finds time to play basketball and exercise dumbbells, which is helpful for his cervical spine.

Host: Dumbbells are also helpful for cervical vertebra.

Li Haicong: Yes, because exercise dumbbells have a strong effect on the back and spine, can protect the neck, and the neck moves left and right during exercise, which is good for his cervical spondylosis.

Host: So we should exercise more. If we use the computer too long, we should take a break.

Li Haicong: Yes.

Netizen: My sleep disorder is often due to sweating all over my body and cold hands and feet. I can't sleep for several days now. Would you like to ask if you need to take some Chinese medicine?

Li Haicong.

Host: In fact, many girls have this feeling. In winter, their hands and feet are cold. They can't get warm in bed for half a day. They can't sleep until their hands and feet are warm.

Li Haicong: I think it's a lack of kidney yang. Some drugs can be used to relieve her cold hands and feet.

Netizen: My father has a serious sleep disorder. The doctor suggested MRI. I want to ask if MRI has any effect. I hope you can give me a suggestion.

Li Haicong, In addition to the examination of sleep disorders, it may affect the structure of the brain, whether there are small infarcts such as cerebral ischemia and cerebral infarction, which will have an impact on sleep. However, it is inappropriate to say that sleep disorders must be subject to MRI.

Host: Actually, I found that many netizens think they have sleep disorders, or sleep problems, because they have different manifestations. I want to ask you how we can judge whether they have sleep disorders, and whether there are some ways to judge?

Li Haicong. At the same time, if you don't sleep well, whether you feel depressed and painful the next day will affect your work and study, and you will feel tired and powerless. I think if these conditions occur, you may have sleep disorders, and you should come to see a doctor.

Host: In fact, many friends, even though they think they are sleep disorders, maybe today we find that there is such a topic that we can discuss together, but if we go to the hospital, we really don't know which department we should belong to, and which department we should go to for examination for different groups of people? What kind of check?

Li Haicong: Traditionally, sleep disorders belong to the division of neurology. For example, China Japan Friendship Hospital in our hospital has a sleep disorder clinic in the neurology department, and our geriatric department also has a sleep disorder clinic. Therefore, sleep disorders may be placed in different departments according to the different settings of different hospitals. For example, in other hospitals, they may also be classified as mental diseases. You can go to the department of mental diseases to see a doctor. So I think if you come to the Sino Japanese Friendship Hospital to see a doctor, you can go to the Department of Geriatrics. My outpatient services are one or three.

Moderator: According to your age, it looks like a geriatric department or another department.

Li Haicong.

Moderator: That is to say, even if the young people have sleep disorders, they can go to see you on Monday and Wednesday.

Li Haicong: Yes.

Host: Many friends themselves will propose some small ways to improve sleep, such as drinking a glass of milk before going to bed, or doing some exercise. I want to know which ways can really improve sleep?

Li Haicong, If you like milk, I think you can drink it, but not too much, because the digestion of milk in the stomach and intestines may also affect your sleep.

I think there is no doubt that exercise can improve sleep, but the way, amount and time of exercise should be paid attention to. For example, for patients with sleep disorders, I also recommend them to do some exercise, but not too strenuous exercise, such as jogging, playing Taijiquan or swimming, playing basketball. I think it is OK. In addition, according to your physical strength If you can bear the situation, you can take a longer time or a shorter time. I think at least you should sweat slightly during the exercise. The heart rate should reach about 100 or 120. The way and intensity of exercise. But the time of exercise must be controlled. For example, many people exercise at night. I don't think it is recommended that they exercise at night. Why? Sleep at about 10 o'clock in the evening. If you exercise too late, it belongs to an excited state, which will cause poor sleep. Therefore, I suggest that netizens who improve their sleep through exercise should end their exercise at least 3 hours away from their sleep time, so that they can have 3 hours of rest and calm, and achieve a good sleep state.

Host: In fact, many friends like to exercise before going to bed. It's actually a misunderstanding to help them sleep when they are tired.

Li Haicong: Yes.

Compere: Some friends think that eating something containing vitamin B can help sleep. Some people even prescribe some vitamin B as a sleeping aid in the hospital. Is this a correct understanding or a misunderstanding?

Li Haicong, But I don't think there is a very definite effect.

Netizen: I have snored three times in the past six months. My eyes are half open, my mouth is slightly open, and there is mucus flowing out of my mouth. My family can't wake up in any way. Is this a sleep disorder, and what tests need to be done?

Li Haicong, Pay attention to whether his respiratory tract is unobstructed, especially when breathing with his mouth open. Many people avoid breathing with his mouth open. His tongue root falls back, which is likely to affect the narrowing of the respiratory tract. In this case, it is better to go to the neurology department of the hospital, or to the otorhinolaryngology department to check the throat.

Host: Actually, both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine are treating sleep disorders now. I want to know what are the main methods of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine to treat sleep disorders, and is there any difference in essence? Now, what kind of treatment is the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine?

Li Haicong, Phenobarbital has side effects, side effects on the liver, dizziness and other symptoms. The second category is benzodiazepines. As we said, diazepam is still in use. It is also an effective drug to treat sleep disorders. Of course, it also has side effects. The side effects are damage to the liver and kidney to a certain extent, and inhibition of breathing. Another kind is non benzodiazepine drugs, such as Zoficlone, which is commonly used now, and Schnorsch, which is also a better drug. Schnorshek is a short-term drug to help people fall asleep quickly, but it is relatively short to help them maintain sleep. The side effects of this drug on the second day after use are relatively few, and the dizziness is relatively few. Because the action time is short, the metabolism is basically finished after the second day, so the side effects are relatively few. This is also a commonly used drug.

However, in the clinical process, it was found that many patients in the use of these western medicines, some effective, but a considerable part of the effect is not ideal, also look at traditional Chinese medicine. The treatment of sleep disorders by traditional Chinese medicine should have a long history of more than 2000 years. As early as in the earliest book of traditional Chinese medicine, Neijing, there was a description of sleep disorders, such as blindness. Later, in the Treatise on Febrile Diseases by Zhang Zhongjing, later books, etc., all discussed the use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat sleep disorders, And it has achieved good curative effect.

In general, I think the principle and method of Chinese medicine in treating sleep disorders are completely different from those of western medicine. Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, and I think there are many prescriptions for Chinese medicine in treating sleep disorders. According to my statistics, I have turned over many books, maybe not completely. There are more than 100 prescriptions, There are ten or twenty prescriptions for treating sleep disorders in one chapter of the textbooks of Chinese medicine colleges and universities. I think they can be used. According to my clinical experience, I think I can achieve good results by surpassing the use of drugs in textbooks. I think the side effects of western medicine can be overcome through the treatment based on the differentiation of symptoms and signs of traditional Chinese medicine. After some western medicines treat sleep, the sleep improves and the sleep time is enough, but it is difficult to reduce the amount. At last, the remaining 1/4 tablets can not be reduced. However, there is no side effect of traditional Chinese medicine in treating sleep disorders. After the sleep time meets the physiological requirements, the medicine can be stopped immediately without any adverse effect. This is one of the advantages and characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, I think each has its own advantages. Chinese medicine and western medicine have their own advantages in treating sleep disorders.

Host: We also heard a word called obstinate sleep disorder. I want to know how to define obstinate sleep disorder?

Li Haicong. I think that according to my clinical view of sleep disorder, and according to the patient's situation, I think that intractable sleep disorder should be one year later. I think that after one year, various drugs, including traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, are not well treated, which should be considered as intractable sleep disorder.

Compere: It must be that after one year of treatment, it has not been cured. For example, some friends really have not been treated. It may have been two or three years, and it cannot be judged as stubborn.

Li Haicong: Yes.

Moderator: Because you are particularly experienced in the treatment of obstinate sleep disorders, everyone wants you to talk about whether there are any principles for the treatment of obstinate sleep disorders, or any other fixed methods?

Li Haicong: Obstinate sleep disorder is really a very difficult sleep disorder, and the curative effect is not good. It is not good to use a lot of western medicine, and the sleep has not improved, so many people come to my clinic to treat sleep disorders. Most of them are not well treated by western medicine, and they come here after going to various hospitals for treatment. Therefore, most of the patients who treat sleep disorders here are stubborn sleep disorders. But I think Chinese medicine has great advantages in treating obstinate sleep disorders, and has achieved good results. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, for example, a long illness must be cured, a long illness must have phlegm, and phlegm is responsible for all diseases. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine has certain rules in the treatment of stubborn sleep disorders.

I think the most commonly used treatment is more effective. It is very effective to promote blood circulation and remove stasis, regulate qi and calm the deep. For example, the most commonly used soup in clinic is the most effective soup for treating stubborn disorders. In addition, in the aspect of phlegm and fire, stubborn sleep disorders are also common, especially for some middle-aged and elderly people, who are accompanied by hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. These patients have the situation of phlegm and fire intermixing, so they use the method of removing phlegm, clearing heat, and calming the nerves, It can achieve good curative effect. For example, it can be treated with a kind of soup. I think it can achieve good curative effect.

There are also stubborn sleep disorders. I think some female comrades, especially after menopause, have poor sleep. These patients often have hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, and irritability. This kind of patients often appear in our diagnosis, and have also achieved good results. Especially for such patients, it is very effective to use the method of nourishing yin, clearing heat, and calming the nerves, Can use Angelica Liuhuang Decoction, can achieve good curative effect.

Some younger patients, like those accompanied by some mild depression, for example, a case just now, he said that he did not sleep well, and felt tired, weak, unable to concentrate, memory loss, disliked work, and did not like to go out for activities. In this state, I think the method of supplementing qi, nourishing blood, and calming the nerves is very effective, Can achieve good curative effect.

Of course, there are also some curative effects, such as liver fire, hypertension, and cerebrovascular disease. These patients suffer from bitter mouth, dry mouth, dry stool, irritability, red face and red eyes. I think it is effective to use the method of clearing liver and transforming fire, and Longdan Xiegan Decoction.

Compere: Are these Chinese patent medicines or?

Li Haicong: It's soup medicine. Some can be made into Chinese patent medicine.

Host: Just like the Guipi Soup.

Li Haicong: When prescribing, you can add or subtract from Guipi Decoction on the basis of prescribing. Now there is a Guipi Pill that can also be used.

Moderator: Now some patients with sleep disorders can also respect their wills or make regulations after they go to the doctor. Is it possible to adjust their lifestyle like this?

Li Haicong. As mentioned in the process, for example, some people don't sleep well at night, and their mental state and work efficiency are good the next day. If you have this method, I don't think you need to worry about your sleep disorder. We often meet such patients in our clinic. After he came here, he said I didn't sleep well. I asked him how many hours you slept at night. He said five hours. I asked him if you were uncomfortable the next day. He said that I was normal, without uncomfortable performance, normal work, normal life, and no impact on learning. I said you are not a sleep disorder. I think you should rest assured that you don't need to worry about sleep disorders and see doctors everywhere. You should live, study and work normally. Five hours of sleep is your normal amount of sleep.

Host: Actually, he didn't sleep well, but slept very well.

Li Haicong: Yes. In such a situation, you should first relieve the mental burden and correctly understand whether you have sleep disorders. Secondly, we should adjust our diet. I think patients with sleep disorders can adjust their diet according to different situations. I think patients with sleep disorders should first avoid hot food, spicy and stagnant food, such as chili, coffee and strong tea. I recommend them to eat these foods. Second, foods like mutton and chicken are hot from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. They are easy to get excited after eating, which may cause poor sleep. Of course, there is a type of food mentioned above, which can be used by patients with yang deficiency and kidney yang deficiency, so I think we should pay attention to food adjustment.

Third, sports. As I said earlier, we should pay attention to the time, intensity and way of sports. I think jogging, playing basketball, swimming and dumbbells can also be done. But the time of exercise should be finished three hours before you sleep. I think it may help you sleep.

Fourth, pay attention to improving your sleeping environment. I think the sleep environment is a very important problem. Many people suffer from sleep disorders and do not pay attention to their own sleep environment. Many sleep environments are bad. First of all, the sleeping environment. I think your room decoration should be better. It should be quiet. It should be cool. It's exciting not to go in. It should be quiet. I think the position of the bed is also very particular. For example, it should not be placed in a place where the sun shines directly or where the air flow is poor. I think there should be some places where the air flow is better. And pillows. I think sleeping gear is a very important factor. Many people do not pay attention to pillows. According to my experience, it is not easy to choose a good pillow.

Compere: Many people say pillows. Some people even can't sleep in another place. Just take their own pillows.

Li Haicong: Yes, I have to choose my own pillow. Because the needle is very helpful to sleep, and its hardness is also very important. The first and most important thing is its height, its height, and what kind of height is the best? I think the height of a pillow should be that your head is pressed on the pillow when you lie on your side. This surface should be parallel to the bed surface or about 2 cm lower. The height of this pillow is correct. For a while, someone emphasized the treatment of cervical spondylosis or suggested sleeping with a low pillow. I think this may have an impact on sleep, Because people can't sleep on their backs all the time. When they are tired after a certain period of time, they have to turn over. If the pillow is too low after turning over, it will not sleep well and affect sleep. I think the height should be selected according to your different situation. When you want to lie on your side, put your head on the pillow and press it on the pillow. It should be parallel to the bed surface, which is ideal. I think the hardness and softness are also very important. The pillow is not good. If it is too hard, it will easily cause discomfort in the neck, which will affect sleep.

Host: Generally speaking, whether everyone's pillow is suitable for him or not is closely related to his body shape, his habits and his bed.

Li Haicong: Yes, it's very important.

Host: I heard that some people feel that they have trouble sleeping, so they are willing to drink a glass of wine to help them sleep before going to bed. Is this a good way?

Li Haicong.

Compere: In some cases, sleep may not be improved, but the addiction to alcohol has formed. If you don't drink a cup every day, you will feel that there is something wrong with it.

Li Haicong: Yes.

Host: Some people say that I can fall asleep when I lie down at a certain point. Maybe I wake up in an hour or two and then pay taxes. That is, I sleep very sporadically every day and cannot sleep for a whole night. Do we have any targeted treatment for this situation?

Li Haicong: This is also a kind of sleep disorder. It is easy to wake up in the middle, but difficult to fall asleep after waking. This kind of sleep quality is bad, and the mental state of the next day is bad. I think this kind of treatment should be taken to the hospital, and it is very effective to use traditional Chinese medicine. In our outpatient clinic, there are many patients like this. We should use traditional Chinese medicine to treat them according to their symptoms and signs, and we should also prescribe drugs according to their other manifestations.

Compere: But according to personal circumstances, there is no special Chinese patent medicine, right?

Li Haicong: Yes, there is no special Chinese patent medicine. He said that his sleep time should be continuous. The whole concept of TCM should also be based on the syndrome differentiation and treatment of other symptoms.

Host: In fact, in ancient times, we often praised some people for their special hard work. They said that the head hung over the beam and the cone stabbed the bone. In fact, in order to catch up with sleep, there are some people in real life now. Maybe I can sleep when I lie down, but I may not sleep because I haven't finished my work tomorrow. I may sleep eight hours a day or only five hours a day. For such people, We can't judge whether he sleeps, although the next day may also affect his sleep in part.

Li Haicong: This can't be called sleep disorder. This is called passive sleep deprivation. He can sleep, but he doesn't sleep for other reasons. This is not a sleep disorder. It is different from sleep disorder. This is not a problem.

Host: Many people are awakened by the alarm clock in the morning. Is there any way to make us sleep more effectively? Is there any small method that can make us shorten an hour, but we can still achieve that effect?

Li Haicong: There are many small ways to treat sleep in the folk. In fact, we can improve our lifestyle, such as eating habits, which can also help us sleep well. For example, the yams, lilies and lotus seeds that we often sell in the Beijing market are good food for treating sleep. Buying three kinds of food is actually a kind of medicine and food. I think it can improve sleep by cooking porridge and drinking it regularly.

Netizen: I have been in an unstable mood for nearly a year. I have a bad temper, palpitations, sleep disorders, and taking valium has no effect. I want to ask whether it is a series of mental problems caused by sleep or the reverse?

Li Haicong, Although the effect of western medicine is not good, you can seek Chinese medicine treatment, which is certainly effective.

Netizen: My daughter is 2 years old and 3 months old this year. Recently, when she just went to bed, she sometimes moved her hands and feet. Sometimes, she would open her eyes and sleep again. This would not happen if she slept completely. In the daytime, everything is normal. I want to ask whether this is a sleep disorder for children, and how should children's sleep disorders be treated?

Li Haicong, Because his sleep time is enough and his spirit is good the next day, he may have some sleep movements soon after sleeping. It doesn't matter. This is normal, so don't worry about it.

Moderator: Maybe our children's mothers pay more attention to it.

Li Haicong: Yes.

Netizen: I have been postpartum for more than three years, and I have trouble sleeping. I have high blood pressure, 153, 100. After taking Chinese medicine for four months, it's sometimes good and sometimes bad. What should I do?

Li Haicong Chinese medicine can also be used.

Netizen: 35 years old, female. She woke up in the middle of her sleep twice before, but could not speak out. The commonly known ghost pressed the bed. She often slept poorly in the last two weeks. She went to the hospital and found T wave changes. The doctor said myocardial ischemia, and wanted to ask what the situation was?

Li Haicong, At the beginning, we talked about a husband who had chest tightness and suffocation in the middle of the night and had to sit up with difficulty in breathing. She may also have this situation. If this happens, she should do some examinations. First of all, I think she should go to the hospital for a dynamic sleep monitoring to see if there is sleep apnea and if there is airway patency. If these problems occur, I think we should continue treatment. If her chest tightness, suffocation and waking up after sleep have been relieved, and the ECG changes during the day have been relieved, another situation should be noticed. For example, because she is still young, HTT changes should be noticed. Whether there is myocarditis or other heart problems should be noticed, which is different from the situation at night.

Netizen: I often wake up at 2:00 to 3:00 at night. It's hard to sleep. I'm very sleepy during the day. My gastrointestinal function is poor all year round. My stomach is cold and easy to diarrhea. Is this caused by sleep disorders?

Li Haicong Coronary heart disease and so on. This condition may also be caused by sleep disorder, and further examination should be carried out.

Moderator: Now there is a steady stream of netizens asking such questions. Today's program is about to end. Thank you again, Professor Li, for being our guest in the studio, and thank you for watching our program.

Famous doctors gather to talk about people's health. See you next time!

Li Haicong: Goodbye!


Exclusive suggestion for this issue
It is not recommended to use alcohol to help people sleep. Some people may not help them sleep and may also become addicted to alcohol.
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