Bad teeth may be due to diabetes

09:40, May 7, 2015    Jinling Evening News   Collect this article      

□ Correspondent Shi Zhangdan

Jinling Evening News reporter Zhu Jingjing

If your teeth are swollen, your first thought may be "getting on fire", or you may make your own decisions to make a pile of herbal tea and drink it to get rid of the fire.

However, Wu Wenlei, director of the senior expert diagnosis and treatment department of Nanjing Stomatological Hospital, recently received many patients with periodontal abscess. While treating them with oral cavity, Wu Wenlei also "guest acted" as an endocrinologist to remind them to check their blood sugar. This investigation really finds out a lot diabetes Come on!

   Check blood sugar for periodontal abscess?

   Periodontal disease And diabetes

Ms. Sun felt a bit swollen and painful some time ago. She thought that she had eaten too well before and was on fire, so she began to make chrysanthemum tea to clear the fire. But after drinking tea for a while, the "fire" did not fade, so I had to go to see a dentist.

After careful examination, Wu Wenlei made a diagnosis: this is a multiple periodontal abscess, not an ordinary gum pain, nor is it caused by fire. While treating Ms. Sun's mouth, Wu Wenlei also reminded her, "You'd better check your blood sugar."

Ms. Sun doesn't think so. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, she is not very fat and not very old. Besides, isn't dentists' specialty dentistry? Why do you care about diabetes again?

However, it didn't take long for Ms. Sun to be found that her blood sugar was on the high side in the physical examination of the unit, and she was diagnosed with diabetes after re examination! Ms. Sun was convinced, but she couldn't figure it out: What's the matter?

"Now when it comes to diabetes, everyone knows that it may cause diabetic nephropathy and diabetes Fundus disease And diabetic foot. But many people do not know that periodontal disease has been regarded as the sixth complication of diabetes and has been written into textbooks. " Wu Wenlei told reporters. In fact, as early as several years ago, experts in stomatology found that the relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease was particularly "close".

Diabetic patients are particularly prone to periodontal disease; The patients with serious periodontal disease not only have more diabetes, but also their blood sugar is not well controlled. More than that, the condition of diabetes will also affect the treatment of periodontal diseases, and the persistence of periodontal diseases will make it difficult to control the blood sugar level.

  Should blood sugar be checked for bad teeth?

Some people do want to check

In addition, many foreign research data have proposed that the relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease cannot be ignored.

The reporter searched the Internet and found that many professional studies mentioned relevant content, including the occurrence of severe diabetes periodontitis 3 times higher than that of normal people; Patients with moderate to severe periodontitis and diabetes are more likely to have end-stage renal disease (such as uremia ), the risk is 8.5 times that of diabetic patients with healthy periodontium, and the risk of cardiovascular disease is 1.3 times; Some experts even believe that through the periodontal condition of diabetic patients, it can help to judge the level of glycosylated hemoglobin of patients, which is an important indicator in the condition control of diabetic patients.

Some foreign experts even suggested that "one periodontal index+two risk indexes" could be used to help us screen high-risk groups of diabetes. This method is also simple: if you have severe periodontitis and meet two of the following risk factors, you should check your blood sugar. These risk factors include age (>45), obesity hypertension Hyperlipidemia.

In this regard, Wu Wenlei said, "The link between diabetes and periodontal disease is now recognized. Of course, some specific views on it need to be confirmed by further research. But if a person has serious periodontal disease, especially at the same time with other high-risk factors, it is really necessary to pay attention to his blood sugar level. After all, the population base of diabetes in China is already very large. As far as I can see in clinical practice, I usually remind patients with multiple periodontal abscesses to check their blood sugar level. Although it is impossible for everyone to be diabetic, there are many diabetic patients or pre diabetic people found from this. Therefore, it is very meaningful to do a blood glucose test in this situation. " For diabetics, while focusing on controlling blood sugar, they also need to pay more attention to their oral health, because this is not only related to whether your blood sugar can be controlled smoothly, but also may directly affect whether you will have serious complications that may cause disability or even death in the future.

Article keywords: blood sugar tooth diabetes

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