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Highcharts Chart Library v11.4.3

Highcharts chart library is a pure Javascript class library for making charts. The main features of Highcharts chart library: 1. Compatibility: compatible with all today's browsers, including iPhone, IE, Firefox, and so on; 2. Free for individual users; 3. Pure JS, no BS; 4. Support most chart types: line chart, curve chart, area chart, area curve chart, column chart, pie chart, scatter chart; 5. Cross language: PHP, or Java can be used. It only needs three files.
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language JavaScript
Function introduction
Highcharts chart library is a pure Javascript class library for making charts.

Main features of Highcharts chart library:

1. Compatibility: Compatible with all today's browsers, including iPhone, IE, Firefox, and so on;
2. Free for individual users;
3. Pure JS, no BS;
4. Support most chart types: line chart, curve chart, area chart, area curve chart, column chart, pie chart, scatter chart;
5. Cross language: whether PHP, or Java can be used, it only needs three files: one is the core file of Highcharts, highcharts.js, as well as a canvas emulator for IE and Jquery class library or MooTools class library;
6. Prompt function: when the mouse moves to a point on the chart, there is a prompt message;
7. Zoom in function: select a part of the chart to zoom in and observe the chart closely;
8. Ease of use: No special development skills are required, just set the following options to make your own chart;
9. Timeline: can be accurate to milliseconds;
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