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Electron egg desktop software development framework v3.13.0

Electron egg is an enterprise level desktop software development framework with simple entry and cross platform. Features: 1. Cross platform: a set of code that can be packaged into Windows, Mac, and Linux versions. 2. Simple and efficient: Just learn the js language, and support front-end technologies such as vue, react, and html. 3. Front end independence: theoretically support any front-end technology, and write beautiful UI effects. 4. Engineering: You can use the development thinking of the server to write desktop software. 5. High performance: event driven, non blocking IO. 6. Rich functions: technical scenarios of the front end and server end.
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size 2.61MB
language JavaScript
Function introduction

Electron egg is an enterprise level desktop software development framework with simple entry and cross platform.



1. Cross platform: a set of code, which can be packaged into Windows, Mac and Linux versions

2. Simple and efficient: just learn the js language, and support front-end technologies such as vue, react, and html

3. Independent front end: theoretically support any front end technology, and write beautiful UI effects

4. Engineering: you can use the development thinking of the server to write desktop software

5. High performance: event driven, non blocking IO

6. Rich functions: technical scenarios at the front end and server end

7. Security: support bytecode encryption and compression obfuscation encryption

8. Function demo: common functions of desktop software, which will be gradually integrated or provided later

9. See the documentation for more functions


Use Scenarios

1. Conventional desktop software

Windows platform

MacOS platform

Linux platform - domestic UOS, Deepin

Linux platform ubuntu

2. Convert vue, react, angular and web to desktop software

Vue ant design (local)

Zen project management (web project address)

3. Games (h5 related technology development)

Ninja Level 100

Paid services
current version


Update content

[Optimization] Optimize the ee core module, which supports go, java, etc.
[Add] Add an ee core cross module API: run() killAll() kill (pid) killByName (name) getUrl (name) getProcByName (name) getProc (pid) getPids().
[Add] Add an ee core cross module process object, including API: pid name port config child emitter kill() getUrl() getArgsObj().
[Add] Add go and java functions to use the demo.
[Repair] Fix the problem of the electric/index cache.
[Repair] Fix the problem that jobs logs get stuck if they are too many.
[Repair] Fix the problem that the third party uses the model incorrectly.
[Modify] Modify the configuration to enable the gpu by default, and modify the default protocol to file://.
[Modify] Modify the go development environment configuration.
[Upgrade] Upgrade ee core v2.8.0.

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