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Erupt low code full stack framework v1.12.15

Erupt includes low code, VOM view object model, full domain Admin development, zero front-end code, zero CURD, no code generation, zero intrusion, security, stability and high performance, and supports automatic table building, dynamic expansion, user-defined pages, multiple data sources, logical deletion, front-end back-end separation and other functions. Core technologies: Spring Boot, Annotation, Proxy, Reflect, TypeScript, NG-ZORRO, etc.
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Function introduction

Erupt is a low code full stack framework, which uses Java annotations to dynamically generate pages and add, delete, modify, query, permission control and other background functions.

Zero front-end code, zero CURD, automatic table creation, just one class file+concise annotation configuration, rapid development of enterprise level Admin management background.

High scalability, supporting CURD free extension of @ DataProxy, user-defined data source, logical deletion, LDAP and OSS.

Provide full stack solutions for enterprise level middle and back office management systems, significantly reduce the R&D cycle, and focus on core business.

Perfect replacement for code generator, better solution for developing background management system!


Automatic table creation: the table structure is automatically generated, without manual table creation

Easy to use: simple basic knowledge of Spring Boot

Easy to use: only need to understand the @ Erupt and @ EruptField annotations to start development

Simple code: only one. java file is needed, and template, controller, service, dao do not need to be created

Powerful functions: dynamic condition processing, logic deletion, LDAP, custom login logic, RedisSession, operation log, etc

Multiple data sources: support: MySQL Oracle、SQL Server、PostgreSQL、H2, Even support MongoDB

High scalability: support user-defined data source implementation, user-defined login logic, dynamic permission management, life cycle function, and user-defined OSS

A large number of components: 23 types of components such as sliding input, time selection, one to many, picture upload, code editor, automatic completion, tree, many to many, map, etc

Rich display: ordinary text, QR code, link, image, HTML, code snippet, iframe, swf, etc

Low invasiveness: almost all functions are deployed around annotations, without affecting other Spring Boot functions or the use of third-party libraries

Front end and rear end separation: rear end and front end can be deployed separately

Responsive layout: it supports the use of PC terminal, mobile terminal and other devices of various specifications

Custom page: supports custom page, custom pop-up layer, and native H5/Freemarker/Thymeleaf rendering

Front end zero code: the front end layout is automatically built, and one line of front end code does not need to be written

No need for secondary development: just reference the jar package!

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  • Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
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